Member access expressions

Pull request

Table of contents


We need syntaxes for a number of closely-related operations:

  • Given an expression denoting a package, namespace, class, interface, or similar, and the name of one of its members, form an expression denoting the member. In C++ and Rust, this is spelled Container::MemberName. In many other languages, it is spelled Container.MemberName.

  • Given an expression denoting an object and a name of one of its fields, form an expression denoting the corresponding subobject. This is commonly written as object.field, with very little deviation across languages.

  • Given an expression denoting an object and a name of one of its methods, form an expression that calls the function on the object. This is commonly written as object.function(args).

  • Given an expression denoting a type, and an expression denoting a member of an interface, form an expression denoting the corresponding member in the impl of that interface for that type.

Further, we need rules describing how the lookup for the member name is performed, and how this lookup behaves in generics and in templates in cases where the member name depends on the type or value of the first operand.


C++ and Rust distinguish between the first use case and the rest. Other languages, such as Swift and C#, do not, and model all of these use cases as some generalized form of member access, where the member might be a namespace member, an interface member, an instance member, or similar.

See also:


All these operations are performed using .:

fn F() {
  // Can perform lookup inside the package or namespace.
  var x: Package.Namespace.Class;
  // Can perform lookup inside the type of the value.
  x.some_field = x.SomeFunction(1, 2, 3);

When the type of the left-hand operand is a generic type parameter, lookup is performed in its type-of-type instead. Effectively, a generic type parameter behaves as an archetype:

interface Hashable {
  let HashValue:! Type;
  fn Hash[me: Self]() -> HashValue;
  fn HashInto[me: Self](s: HashState);
fn G[T:! Hashable](x: T) {
  // Can perform lookup inside the type-of-type if the type is
  // a generic type parameter.

When the type of the left-hand operand is a template parameter, the lookup is performed both in the actual type corresponding to that template parameter and in the archetype, as described above. If a result is found in only one lookup, or the same result is found in both lookups, that result is used. Otherwise, the member access is invalid.

class Potato {
  fn Mash[me: Self]();
  fn Hash[me: Self]();
  alias HashValue = Hashable.HashValue;
external impl Potato as Hashable where .HashValue = u32 {
  // ...
fn H[template T:! Hashable](x: T, s: HashState) {
  // When called with T == Potato:
  // ❌ Ambiguous, could be `Potato.Hash` or `Hashable.Hash`.
  // ✅ OK, found only in `Potato`.
  // ✅ OK, found only in `Hashable`.

  // ✅ OK, same `HashValue` found in both `Potato` and `Hashable`;
  // `Hashable.Hash` unambiguously names the interface member.
  var v: T.HashValue = x.(Hashable.Hash)();

  // ✅ OK, unambiguously names the type member.


See the changes to the design.

Rationale based on Carbon’s goals

  • Software and language evolution
    • Rejecting cases in a template where a generic interpretation and an interpretation with specific types would lead to different meanings supports incremental migration towards generics by way of a template, where the compiler will help you find places that would change meaning.
  • Code that is easy to read, understand, and write
    • Using a single, familiar container.member notation for all the member access use cases minimizes the complexity of this portion of the language syntax.
  • Interoperability with and migration from existing C++ code
    • The behavior of templates is aligned with that in C++, simplifying both comprehension for C++ developers and migration of C++ code.

Alternatives considered

Separate syntax for static versus dynamic access

We could follow C++ and Rust, and use :: for static lookup, reserving . for instance binding:

var x: Package::Namespace::Class;
x.field = x.Function();


  • Visually separates operations that readers may think of as being distinct: a :: path statically identifies an object whereas a . path dynamically identifies a subobject or forms a bound method.
  • Improves familiarity for those coming from C++.
  • Removes most of the need for parenthesized member access: a.(b.c) would generally become a.b::c, like in C++.


  • Adds a new token and a new operation.
  • Swift, C#, and Java do not distinguish these operations syntactically, and we have no evidence that this lack of syntactic distinction creates problems for them in practice.
  • Likely to result in complexity and inconsistency for operations falling between the two options. For example, in C++:
    struct A {
      static void F();
      enum { e };
    enum class B { e };
    void G(A a, B b) {
      a.F(); // OK, but static dispatch, like A::F().
      a.e;   // OK, but static dispatch, like A::e.
      b.e;   // Error.
  • Does not provide an obvious syntax for impl lookup. Type::Interface::method would be ambiguous and Type.Interface::method would be inconsistent with using :: for static lookup, so we would likely end up with Type::(Interface::method) syntax or similar.
  • May create the suggestion that .s imply a performance-relevant operation and ::s do not. This will typically not be the case, as .s will typically result in, at worst, a constant offset. However, impl lookup, which may be performed by either a . or a ::, may require a memory access in cases where dynamic dispatch is in use.

Use a different lookup rule in templates

See question for leads: constrained template name lookup for more in-depth discussion and leads decision.

Given a situation where the same name can be found in both a type and a constraint when instantiating a template, and resolves to two different things, we could use various different rules to pick the outcome:

class Potato {
  fn Bake[me: Self]();
  fn Hash[me: Self]();
interface Hashable {
  fn Hash[me: Self]() -> HashState;
  fn HashInto[me: Self](s: HashState);
external impl Potato as Hashable;

fn MakePotatoHash[template T:! Hashable](x: T, s: HashState) {

We considered the following options:

Option Type only: x.Bake() Both: x.Hash() Constraint only: x.HashInto(s)
Type -> Type -> Type ❌ Rejected
Type over constraint -> Type -> Type -> Constraint
Type minus conflicts -> Type -> Type ❌ Rejected
Union minus conflicts -> Type ❌ Rejected -> Constraint
Constraint over type -> Type -> Constraint -> Constraint
Constraint ❌ Rejected -> Constraint -> Constraint

Of these rules:

  • “Type” and “type over constraint” mean the constraints in a constrained template do not guide the meaning of the program, which creates a surprising discontinuity when migrating from templates to generics.
  • “Type minus conflicts” does not present a valuable improvement over “union minus conflicts”.
  • “Union minus conflicts” makes the type-only case behave like a non-template, and the constraint-only case behave like a generic. This means that explicit qualification is necessary for all qualified names in a template if it wants to defend against ambiguity from newly-added names, whereas all the earlier options require qualification only for names intended to be found in the constraint, and all the later options require qualification for names intended to be found in the type. However, most of the other rules require explicit qualification in the same cases to defend against names being removed.
  • “Constraint over type” means there is potential for a discontinuity in behavior depending on whether we’re able to symbolically resolve the type or not: if semantic analysis can determine a type symbolically, you get the behavior from the constraint, and if not, you get the behavior from the type. This may lead to surprising and hard-to-understand program behavior.
  • “Constraint” means that a constrained template behaves essentially the same as a generic, which harms the ability to use constrained templates as an incremental, evolutionary stepping stone from non-constrained templates into generics.

No rule provides ideal behavior. The most significant disadvantage of the chosen rule, “union minus conflicts”, is that it requires explicit qualification with either the type or the constraint in a fully-robust template. However, the other leading contender, “constraint over type”, also requires qualification of all names to prevent silent changes in behavior if a constraint is changed, and “union minus conflict” seems preferable to “constraint over type” in other ways.

Meaning of Type.Interface

In this proposal, impl lookup is performed when a member of an interface appears on the right of a .. We could also consider applying impl lookup when the name of an interface appears on the right of a .. Under that alternative, Class.(Interface) would be a name for the impl, that is, for impl Class as Interface.

Because we have previously decided we don’t want facet types, such a name would be restricted to only appear in the same places where package and namespace names can appear: on the left of a . or the right of an alias.

For example:

interface MyInterface {
  fn F();
  fn G[me: Self]();
class MyClass {
  alias InterfaceAlias = MyInterface;
  impl as MyInterface {
    fn F();
    fn G[me: Self]();

fn G(x: MyClass) {
  // OK with this proposal and the alternative.
  // Error with this proposal, OK with the alternative.

  // Names the interface with this proposal.
  // Names the `impl` with the alternative.
  alias AnotherInterfaceAlias = MyClass.InterfaceAlias;

  // Error with this proposal, OK with the alternative.
  // OK with this proposal, error with the alternative.

  // Error under this proposal, OK with the alternative.
  // Error under both this proposal.
  // Also error under the alternative, unless we introduce
  // a notion of a "bound `impl`" so that `x.MyInterface`
  // remembers its receiver object.
  // OK under this proposal and the alternative.


  • Gives a way to name an impl.


  • It’s not clear that we need a way to name an impl.
  • Presents a barrier to supporting member interfaces, because MyClass.MemberInterface would name the impl MemberInterface as MyClass, not the interface itself.
  • Reintroduces facet types, without the ability to use them as a type. Having a way of naming an impl may lead to confusion over whether they are first-class entities.
  • Would either surprisingly reject constructs like x.MyInterface.G() or require additional complexity in the form of a “bound impl” value. The value of such a type would presumably be equivalent to a facet type.

As a variant of this alternative, we could disallow Type.Interface for now, in order to reserve syntactic space for a future decision. However, it’s not clear that the cost of evolution nor the likelihood of such a change is sufficiently high to warrant including such a rule.