
Pull request

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C++ code supports defining custom destructors for user-defined types, and C++ developers will expect to use that tool. Carbon should support destructors, but should make some changes to protect against deleting a value with a derived type through a pointer to the base class when the base class destructor is not virtual. We also need some mechanism to allow generic code to identify types that are safe to destroy, or have trivial destructors and don’t need to be explicitly destroyed.


Destructors may only be customized for nominal classes, which were introduced in proposal #722. Destructors interact with inheritance, which was introduced in proposal #777.

Destructors were discussed in open discussion on these dates:

As part of proposal 777: Inheritance, we decided to support extensible classes, that is non-abstract base classes, including with non-virtual destructors. “Extensible classes” Google doc from that time considered options for making deleting extensible classes safer.


This proposal adds two sections to the design:

Rationale based on Carbon’s goals

Destructors advance these goals:

Alternatives considered

Types implement destructor interface

We considered letting developers implement a destructor interface, as is done in Rust. This would be more consistent with the other customization points for classes, but had some downsides that we ultimately decided were too large:

  • Destructors are relatively common, and implementing an interface involves more boilerplate than writing a destructor in C++, so we wanted a concise syntax.
  • Destructors need access to the private members of a class, so generally would have to be part of the class.
  • We didn’t have any use cases where an author of a type used as a type argument to a class should be able to override the destructor for the class, so users would have to mark destructors as final or risk surprises.
  • Abstract classes without virtual destructors may have code that should run when the type is destroyed, but don’t implement any destructor type-of-types.
  • More generally, we wanted the compiler to enforce that the correct type-of-types were implemented.

This was considered in the open discussions on 2021-08-30 and 2021-10-18. We decided to go with the proposed approach in the open discussion on 2022-03-24.

Prevent virtual function calls in destructors

We considered disallowing virtual calls to be made while executing the destructor. This would avoid having to assign to the vtable pointer between each level of the class hierarchy’s destructor calls. This seemed like an avoidable expense since you can’t call a derived method implementation from a destructor anyway.

We observed that this assignment, which happens in C++, is unsynchronized and could cause race conditions when there was synchronization inside a destructor. In Carbon, we expect to mitigate that somewhat by doing the assignment at the end of the destructor instead of the beginning, which is safe since we won’t have multiple inheritance. This means that at least the most derived class’ destructor can acquire locks before any unsynchronized writes occur.

We didn’t decide to include this approach in this proposal, since we felt like it would likely be too burdensome to prevent calling member functions from a destructor unless the developer did some extra work to mark all functions it transitively calls. We would consider this as a potential future extension. As noted in the design, this could be achieved by using the partial type.

This was considered in the open discussions on 2021-08-30 and 2021-10-18.

Allow functions to act as destructors

We considered, on 2021-08-30, how we might support returning a value, for example a failure, from a destructor. This would require that the destructor be called explicitly, rather than implicitly as part of a Allocator.Delete() call or a variable leaving scope. This led to a design where you could have “named destructors” that were ordinary methods except that they consumed their me parameter, as is possible in Rust. As a result, the me parameter would be marked with a keyword like destroy or consume, like:

class MyClass {
  fn MyDestroyer[destroy me: Self](x: i32) -> bool;

We would need some way to make the ending of the lifetime visible in the caller, perhaps:

var c: MyClass = ...;
// `~c` indicates lifetime of `c` is ending.
var b: bool = (~c).MyDestroyer(3);

There were questions about how this would interact with unformed state.

We decided to keep this idea in mind, but there is not a pressing need for this feature now since this doesn’t mirror a capability of C++. We might reconsider as part of error handling strategy, or a desire to model resources that can be consumed.

Allow private destructors

C++ allows destructors to be marked private, which has some use cases such as controlling deletes of a reference-counted value. This introduces context-sensitivity. It is particularly concerning if whether a type implements a constraint depends on which function is the enclosing scope.

This was considered in the open discussion on 2021-08-30.

Allow multiple conditional destructors

A parameterized type might want to specialize a destructor based on properties of the parameter. For example, it might do something more efficient if its parameter is a TriviallyDestructible type. An approach consistent with conditional methods and the prioritization rule would be to write something like:

class Vector(T:! Movable) {
  // Prioritize using `match_first`
  match_first {
    // Express conditions by using a
    // specific `Self` type.
    destructor [U:! TriviallyDestructible,
                me: Vector(U)];
    // If first doesn't apply:
    destructor [me: Self];

Allow direct implementation of TrivialDestructor

For the specific case where the developer wants to specialize the destructor to be trivial under certain circumstances, we could allow the developer to directly implement TrivialDestructor. That implementation would include the criteria when the trivial destructor should be used. For example, we might express that Optional has a trivial destructor when its argument does by writing:

class Optional(T:! Concrete) {
  var value: Storage(T);
  var holds_value: bool;

  // It's perfectly safe, I assure you
  impl [U:! TrivialDestructor] Optional(U) as TrivialDestructor {}

  destructor [me: Self] { if (me.holds_value) value.Destroy(); }

Type-of-type naming

We considered other names for the type-of-types introduced in this proposal.

The name Deletable is inconsistent with the decision on #1058, so we considered alternatives like Delete, CanDelete, DeleteInterface, DeleteConstraint, or SafeToDelete. We agreed that it should match whatever term was used in the allocation interface, and finalizing that was out of scope for this proposal. So we left it at Deletable for now, with the understanding that this was only a placeholder and not the final name.

Instead of Destructible, which is inconsistent with the decision on #1058, we considered:

  • DestructorConstraint: a bit too long
  • HasDestructor: means something slightly different
  • CanDestroy: also inconsistent with the decision on #1058

We ultimately decided that the best name is likely Unsafe followed by the name we chose in place of Deletable, and would wait until that is decided.

Originally TrivialDestructor was spelled TriviallyDestructible, but the word “destructor” was more aligned with the destructor keyword being used in declarations. We also considered replacing “trivial” with something like “no-op” or “empty” to emphasize that the destructor does literally nothing and can be completely omitted, but decided to stay consistent with C++ for now.

Instead of Concrete, we also considered Instantiable, but this choice is both more concise and more clearly the opposite of “abstract.”

Other approaches to extensible classes without vtables

There were a few alternatives we considered that were specifically concerned about how to handle the unsafe case of deleting a pointer to a base class that does not have a virtual destructor, but may be pointing to a derived value. We decided to allow this case as part of proposal 777: Inheritance. We decided to go with the proposed approach in the open discussion on 2022-03-24.

Don’t distinguish safe and unsafe delete operations

We could, like C++, have a single operation that includes both the safe and unsafe cases. We decided we would like to try the safer option to see if it is viable or if it causes problems with interoperation with C++. We expect that migrated C++ code can fall-back to using UnsafeDelete if using Delete is too burdensome.

This option was considered in the “Option: C++ DWIM model” section of “Extensible classes” doc.

Don’t allow unsafe delete

For even more safety, we considered preventing deletion of extensible classes without virtual destructors entirely. However, extensible classes without virtual destructors were not that rare in C++ code we examined. It did not seem likely this would provide enough C++ interop, and there were concerns that C++ developers would generally want to have an escape hatch for performing operations that they could prove to themselves were safe even if the compiler could not.

This option was considered in the “Option: Like C++ but forbid unsafe” section of “Extensible classes” doc.

Allow final destructors

One option we considered early on for extensible classes with non-virtual destructors, was to require the same thing we do from non-virtual methods. That is, require that the implementation in the base class is appropriate for derived classes. We ultimately decided on a different approach, but we could still provide that as an option. You would declare the destructor as final, and that would impose the necessary restrictions on any derived class:

  • No custom destructor code.
  • Either no added data members, or, if we are willing to support unsized deletes, no added data members with non-trivial destructors.

Base classes with final destructors would be Deletable, like base classes with virtual destructors. This would be a safe option without the overhead of including a vtable in your object, but fairly restrictive in its applicability.

We decided is viable but not pressing since this isn’t a feature present in C++, and we would wait and see if this would fill a common need.