Merging forward declarations

Pull request

Table of contents


  • Add the extern keyword for forward declarations in libraries that don’t provide the definition.
  • Treat repeated forward declarations as redundant.
    • Allow them when they prevent a dependence on an imported name.
  • Clarify rules for when modifier keywords should be on forward declarations and definitions.


A forward declaration can be merged with a definition when they match. However, there is ambiguity about behavior:

  • Whether a forward declaration can be repeated, including after a definition.
  • Whether a keyword is required to make a forward declaration separate from the implementing library.
  • Whether modifier keywords need to match between forward declarations and definitions.


Prior discussion

Forward declarations in current design

Example rules for forward declarations in the current design:

ODR (One definition rule)

C++’s ODR requires each entity to have only one definition. C++ has trouble detecting issues at compile time, and linking has trouble catching linker issues too. ODR violation detection is an active problem (

This similarly applies to Carbon. In Carbon, only one library can define an entity; other libraries can make forward declarations of it, but those don’t constitute a definition. Part of the goal in declaration syntax (extern in particular) is to be able to better diagnose ODR violations based on declarations.

Requiring matching declarations to merge

When two declarations have the same name, either within the same file or through imports, they need to “match”, or will be diagnosed as a conflict. This is laid out at under Matching and agreeing in generics. This proposal does not significantly affect these type and name restrictions.

For example:

  • fn F(); fn F() {} could merge because the function signatures match, forward declaring a function is valid, and only one definition is provided.
  • fn F(); fn F(x: i32); won’t merge because they differ in parameters, resulting in a diagnostic.


  1. Add extern declarations.
    1. extern is used to mark forward declarations of entities defined in a different library.
      • The defining library must declare the entity as public in an api file.
      • It is invalid for the defining library to declare as extern.
      • extern must only be used for declarations in libraries that don’t contain the definition.
    2. In modifiers, extern comes immediately after access control keywords, and before other keywords.
    3. Declaring an entity as extern anywhere in a file means it must be used as extern throughout that file.
      • The entity cannot be used at all prior to the extern declaration, even if there is an imported declaration.
      • This allows refactoring to add and remove declarations without impacting files that have an extern.
    4. If a library declares an entity as non-extern in either the api or impl, it is invalid to declare the same entity as extern elsewhere within the library.
  2. An entity may only be forward declared once in a given file. A forward declaration is only allowed before a definition.
  3. Modifier keywords will be handled on a case-by-case basis for merging declarations.


extern keyword

An extern modifier keyword is added. It modifies a forward declaration to indicate that the entity is not defined by the declaring library. A library using extern to declare an entity cannot define that entity. Only the library which defines an entity can omit extern, and omitting extern means it must provide a definition.

An extern declaration forms an entity which has no definition or storage. For example:

  • extern fn forms a function that can be called.
  • extern class forms an incomplete type.
  • extern interface forms an undefined interface.
  • extern var or extern let will bind the name without allocating storage. Initializers are disallowed.

The extern keyword is invalid on declarations that have only a declaration syntax and lack storage, such as alias or namespace. It is only valid on namespace-scoped names; it is invalid on type-scoped names (class Foo { extern fn Member(); }).

In declaration modifiers, extern comes immediately after access control keywords, and before other keywords. For example, private extern <other modifiers> class B;. At present, when extern is on a declaration, only access modifiers are valid (see Modifier keywords).

When declarations are allowed

When considering whether a declaration is allowed, we apply the rules:

  1. A declaration should always add new information.
    • No declarations after a definition.
  2. Only one library can declare an entity without extern.
  3. Support moving declarations between already-imported api files without affecting compilation of client libraries.

No forward declarations after declarations

In a file, a forward declaration must never follow a forward declaration or definition for the same entity.

For example:

class A { ... }
// Invalid: Disallowed after the definition.
class A;

class B;
// Invalid: Disallowed due to repetition.
class B;

class C;
// Valid: Allowed because the definition is added.
class C { ... }

Files must either use an imported declaration or declare their own

In a file, if a declaration or definition of an entity is imported, the file must choose between either using that version or declaring its own. It cannot do both.

For example:

package Foo library "a" api;

class C { ... }
package Foo library "b" api;
import library "a";

extern class C;

// Valid: Uses the incomplete type of the extern declaration.
fn Foo(c: C*);
package Foo library "c" api;
import library "a";

// Valid: Uses the complete type of the imported definition.
fn Foo(c: C);
package Foo library "d" api;
import library "a";

fn Foo(c: C);

// Invalid: `Foo` used the imported `C`, so an `extern` declaration of `C` is now
// invalid.
extern class C;

Libraries cannot both define an entity and declare it extern

In a library, if the impl defines an entity, the api must not use extern when declaring it.

For example:

package Wiz library "a" api;

extern class C;
package Wiz library "a" impl;

// Invalid: The `api` file declared `C` as `extern`.
class C { ... }

In a library, the api might make an extern declaration that the impl imports and uses the definition of. This is consistent because the impl file is not declaring the entity.

impl files with a forward declaration must contain the definition

In an impl file, if the impl file forward declares an entity, it must also provide the definition. In libraries with multiple impl files, this means that using an entity in one impl file when it’s defined in a different impl file requires a (possibly private) forward declaration in the api file. An extern declaration cannot be used for this purpose because the library defines the entity.

This allows Carbon to provide a compile-time diagnostic if an entity declared in the impl is not defined locally. Note that an entity declared in the api may still not get a compile-time diagnostic unless the compiler is told it’s seeing all available impl files.

For example:

package Bar library "a" api;

class C;

class D { ... }
package Bar library "a" impl;

// Invalid: Missing a definition in the `impl` file, but if one were added, then
// this would be valid.
class C;

// Invalid: The `api` defines `D`. As a consequence, there is no way to make
// this forward declaration valid.
class D;

This doesn’t prevent impl from providing a forward declaration. It might when it also provides the definition, which can be useful to unravel dependency cycles:

package Bar library "a" api;

class D;
package Bar library "a" impl;

class D;

class E {
  fn F[self: Self](d: D*) { ... }

class D {
  fn G[self: Self](e: E) { ... }

Here, the impl could not use the imported forward declaration in the api because of the rule Files must either use an imported declaration or declare their own. Without class D; present, the definition of F would be invalid.

Type scopes may contain both a forward declaration and definition

The combination of a forward declaration and a definition is allowed in type scopes.

For example:

class C {
  class D;

  fn F() -> D;

  class D {
    fn G() -> Self { return C.F(); }

    var x: i32;

  fn F() -> D { return {.x = 42}; }

This is necessary because type bodies are not automatically moved out-of-line, unlike function bodies.

Using extern declarations in extern impl

It is invalid for a non-extern impl declaration to use an extern type in its type structure.

Consider two libraries, one defining A and declaring B as extern, and the other defining B and declaring A as extern. Neither should be able to define an impl involving both A and B, otherwise both could.

impl lookup involving extern types

If impl lookup involving extern types finds a non-final parameterized impl, the result is that the lookup succeeds, but none of the values of the associated entities of interface are known. This is because there may be another more specialized impl that applies that is not visible (as can also happen with constrained generics).

For example:

library "a" api;
extern class C;
extern class D(T:! type);
extern impl forall [T:! type] D(T) as I where .Result = i32;

In the above, D(C) impls I, but with unknown .Result, since it might not be i32.

Modifier keywords

When considering various modifiers on a forward declaration versus definition:

  • extern is only valid on a forward declaration. Rules are detailed above.
  • extend in extend impl is only on the declaration in the class body (whether that is a forward declaration or definition), as described at Forward impl declaration.
  • Other class, impl, and interface modifiers (abstract, base, final) exist only on the definition, not on the forward declaration.
  • Function modifiers (impl, virtual, default, abstract, final) must match between forward declaration and definition.
    • This only affects type-scoped names because they are invalid on namespace names.
    • abstract won’t have a definition so is moot here.
  • Access modifiers (private and protected) must match.
    • As an exception, an extern name may be private when the actual name is public.
      • This allows a library to forward declare another library’s type without allowing clients to depend on its forward declaration.
      • On merging, the more public declaration will take precedence, hiding private extern declarations.
    • This affects both type-scoped names and namespace names.


  • Software and language evolution
    • This proposal supports moving classes between libraries without affecting the compilation of clients.
      • Allowing a redundant extern declaration when a non-extern declaration is imported allows adding the class to an already-imported library where extern declarations were previously present.
      • Requiring the use of a local extern declaration prevents accidental uses that might hinder removing the class from an imported library.
    • Requiring keywords on extern declarations only when they affect calling conventions means that, in most cases, keywords can be added and removed from declarations in the defining library without breaking extern declarations in other libraries.
  • Code that is easy to read, understand, and write
    • Explicitly flagging extern will assist readers in understanding when a library is working with a type in order to avoid dependency loops, with minimal impact on writing code.
    • Preventing redundant forward declaration removes a potential avenue for confusion by making the meaning of entities clearer.
    • Requiring keywords be repeated for type-scoped functions is intended to improve readability.
  • Practical safety and testing mechanisms
    • Requiring extern declarations be clearly marked should improve our ability to diagnose ODR violations. This will help developers by improving detection of a subtle correctness issue.
  • Fast and scalable development
    • extern declarations are considered essential to supporting separate compilation of libraries, which in turn supports scaling compilation.
  • Interoperability with and migration from existing C++ code
    • extern is chosen for consistency with C++, and carries a similar – albeit slightly different – meaning.
  • Principle: Prefer providing only one way to do a given thing
    • Setting requirements for whether a keyword belongs on a forward declaration or with the definition, instead of making places optional, supports developers making conclusions based on which keywords they see – either by presence or absence.

Alternatives considered

Other modifier keyword merging approaches

There has been intermittent discussion about which modifiers to allow or require on forward declarations versus definitions. There are advantages and disadvantages about redundancy and being able to copy-paste declarations. There might be strict requirements for some modifiers to be present in order to correctly use a forward declaration.

This proposal suggests a partial decision here, at least for a reasonable starting point that we can implement towards. This will likely evolve in future proposals, particularly as more keywords are added. However, this still offers a baseline.

The trade-offs we consider are:

  • Consistency in when a modifier keyword is expected (if applicable) is valuable.
    • Adding a keyword to an entity with a separate definition may require adding the keyword to the forward declaration, the separate definition, or both. It is disallowed where not required to be added.
      • For example, base is added to class C { ... }, and disallowed on class C;.
    • Although we could make keywords optional where it would not affect semantics, we prefer for the presence or absence of a keyword to carry a clear meaning.
      • For example, if base were optional to allow base class C;, then an adjacent class D; lends itself to being incorrectly interpreted as meaning “D is not a base class” when it actually means “D may or may not be a base class”.
  • Access control has a certain necessity for consistency, so that a consumer of a forward declaration would still be allowed to use the definition if refactored.
    • We could require similar consistency on extern, and should have more nuanced rules if the access control rules go beyond public and private. For example, a package-private type shouldn’t be allowed to be made public through an extern declaration; but package-private isn’t actually part of the language right now.
  • For a type, we are choosing to have minimal modifiers on the declaration.
    • The modifiers we disallow (abstract, base, final, and default) have no effect on uses because the forward declared type is incomplete.
      • Requiring them would end up leaking an implementation detail and create toil.
      • Requiring them would be somewhat inconsistent with C++.
    • extern is a special-case where its presence is intrinsic to the keyword’s semantics.
  • For type-scoped members, we are choosing to duplicate modifiers between the declaration and definition.

    • For example:

      class A {
        private class B;
      // `private` is required here.
      private class A.B { ... }
    • There is more emphasis on being able to copy-paste a function declaration. This in particular may help developers more than classes because all the parameters must also be copied. Things such as static in C++ being declaration-only is also something we view as a source of friction rather than a benefit.
    • Modifiers such as virtual affect the calling convention of functions, and as a consequence must be on the first declaration.
    • A downside of this approach is that it means the class name is inserted in the middle of the out-of-scope definition, rather than near the front.

The most likely alternative would be to disallow most modifiers on out-of-line definitions after a forward declaration, for type member functions in specific. This would be because, unlike other situations, a member must have a forward declaration if there is an out-of-line definition. We would probably want to drop these collectively in order to maximize copy-paste ability (ideally, everything before fn is dropped). However, it would shift understandability of the definition in a way that may be harmful. For now this proposal suggests adopting the more verbose approach and seeing how it goes.

Another alternative is that we could allow flexibility to choose which modifier keywords are provided where. For example, keywords on a function definition must be some subset of the keywords on the declaration; keywords on a type declaration must be some subset of the keywords on the definition. This would allow authors to choose when they expect keywords will be most relevant. However, it could also serve to detract from readability: two functions in the same file might be declared similarly, but have different keywords on the definition, implying a difference in behavior that would not exist. With consideration for the Principle: Prefer providing only one way to do a given thing, this proposal takes the more prescriptive approach, rather than offering flexibility.

Note a common aspect between types and functions in the proposed model is that modifiers on the definition are typically a superset of modifiers on the declaration (extern as an exception). While looking at the declaration always gives an incomplete view, looking at the definition can give a complete view.

No extern keyword

If we had no extern keyword, then a declaration wouldn’t give any hint of whether a library contains the definition. Given two forward declarations in different api files, either both or neither could have a definition in their impl file. Sometimes this would be detected during linking, particularly if both are linked together. However, providing an extern keyword gives a hint about the intended behavior, allowing us to evaluate more cases for warnings. It also gives a hint to the reader, about whether an entity is expected to be declared later in the library (even if not in the same file).

For example:

package Foo library "a" api;

class C;
package Foo library "a" impl;

class C {}
package Foo library "b" api;
import library "a";

class C {};

Without the extern keyword, this code should be expected to compile. Ideally it would be caught during linking that there are two definitions of class C, but that relies on some tricks to catch issues. When extern is added, then the processing of library “b” results in a conflict between the class C; forward declared in the api of library “a”.

Note this probably does not fundamentally alter the amount that can be diagnosed, but will mainly allow some diagnostics to occur during compilation that otherwise would either be linker diagnostics or missed.

The extern keyword is being added mainly for diagnostics and readability.

Looser restrictions on declarations

We are being restrictive with declarations and when they’re allowed. Primarily, we want to avoid confusion with code such as:

class C { ... }

// This declaration has no effect.
class C;

But, we could also allow code such as:

package Foo library "a" api;

class C { ... }
package Foo library "b" api;
import library "a";

fn F(c: C) { ... }

extern class C;

fn G(c: C*) { ... }

Here, F requires the imported definition of C. But, is G seeing an incomplete type from the extern, or is the extern redundant and G sees the imported definition of C? Would a library importing library “b” see C as an incomplete type, or a complete type?

In order to eliminate potential understandability issues with the choices we may make, we are choosing the more restrictive approaches which disallow both of these. In the first case, the redeclaration after a definition in the same file is simply disallowed. In the second case, library “b” cannot declare C as extern after using the imported definition. Restrictions such as these should make code clearer by helping developers catch redundant, and possibly incorrect, code.

extern naming

Beyond extern, we also considered external. extern implies external linkage in C++. We’re choosing extern mainly for the small consistency with C++.

Default extern to private

The extern keyword could have an access control implication equivalent to private. Then extern would need explicit work to export the symbol. The export keyword was proposed for this purpose, with the idea that export import syntax might also be provided to re-export all symbols of an imported library.

  1. extern and export semantic consistency

    This would mean that extern declarations have different access control than other declarations, which is a different visibility model to understand, and may also not be intuitive from the “external” meaning. The use of export matches C++’s export keyword, which may also imply to developers that other semantics match C++, such as export being necessary for all declared names.

  2. Interaction with additional access control features

    We’ll probably also want more granular access control than just public and private for API names. Adding package-private access modifier seems useful (for example, Java provides this as package): in C++, this is sometimes achieved through an “internal” or “details” namespace. If Carbon only supports library-private symbols, that still addresses some of these use-cases, but will sometimes require private implementation details to exist in a single api file in order to get language-supported visibility restrictions. In some cases this will result in an unwieldy amount of code for a single file.

    For example of how package-private visibility might be used, gtest has an internal header directory that contains thousands of lines of code. If this needed to migrate to api files in Carbon, it would be ideal if users could not access the names by importing an internal library.

    For example of how this would interact:

    Default visibility Public (proposed) Private (alternative)
    Public extern class C; export extern class C;
    Library-private private extern class C; extern class C;
    Package-private (hypothetical) package extern class C; export package extern class C;
  3. Risks of a public extern

    When making an extern fn, it is callable. This creates a risk of a function being declared as extern for internal use, but accidentally allowing dependencies on the function. This risk could be mitigated by requiring access control of an extern to be either equal to or more restrictive than the original symbol (which might be hard to validate, but could be validated when both symbols are seen together).

    When making an extern class, it’s an incomplete type. It cannot be instantiated, but pointers and references may be declared. This is only really useful if there are functions which take a pointer as a parameter, but an instance of the pointer could only be created by either unsafe casts or if there’s a function that returns the pointer type.

    Unsafe casts carry an inherent risk. In the case of a returned pointer, that type could be captured by auto. Having extern class default to private does not prevent the type’s use.

Considering the trade-offs involved combination of these three points, this proposal suggests using the regular access control semantic. That choice may be reconsidered later, based on how the semantics work out and any issues that arise, particularly around access control.

Opaque types

Omitting the extern modifier means a definition is required in a library. There may be a use-case for opaque types which are “owned” by a library and have no definition. If so, there are possible solutions such as a modifier keyword to indicate an opaque type. For now, an empty definition in the impl file of a library should have a similar effect: api users would not be able to provide a definition.

For example:

package Foo library "a" api;

// An opaque type which can be imported by other libraries.
class C;
package Foo library "a" impl;

// An empty definition. This could be in its own file, or at the end after logic,
// to prevent misuse.
class C {}

This proposal requires a definition to exist. That choice may be reconsidered later, based on use-cases.

Require a library provide its own extern declarations

As proposed, any library can provide extern declarations for other libraries in the same package. It was proposed that this should be restricted so that a library would need to make extern declarations available, either through a separate extern file (similar to api and impl) or through additional markup in the api file which could be used to automatically generate an extern-only subset of the api (still requiring entities which should be extern to be explicitly marked).


  • Centralizes ownership of extern declarations.
    • We are already planning to require a package to provide extern declarations. This goes a step further, requiring the extern declaration be provided by the same library that’s defining the entity, providing a clear, central ownership.
  • Simplifies refactoring.
    • The current plan of record is to require that extern declarations agree with the library’s declaration of the definition. This includes small details such as parameter names. A consequence of this is that changing these details in one declaration requires changing them in all declarations, atomically. There’s a desire to limit the scope of atomic refactorings; for example, similar package-scope atomic refactoring requirements lead us to allow certain redundant forward declarations elsewhere in this proposal.
  • Reduces complexity for migrating C++ forward declarations.
    • As described in Migration of C++ forward declarations, we expect migrating forward declarations to be difficult. Several of the steps needed already can produce results similar to this alternative. Under this alternative, we would make the handling of an entity defined in a different library identical to as if it were in a different package: a reduction of one case.


  • Makes it difficult for libraries which want to use extern declarations to use minimal imports for a declaration.
    • If a library provides multiple extern declarations, the extern file’s imports would be a superset of the imports for those declarations. If a client library only wants one of those extern declarations, it would still get the full set of dependencies; under the proposed syntax, only the single declaration’s dependencies are required. This allows for fewer dependencies.
  • Does not support use-cases that may occur in C++.
    • It’s possible that an extern declaration may depend on a defined entity, where that entity is being defined in the same file. For example, class C { ... }; extern fn F(c: C);. Under the proposed syntax, this is supported; under the alternative syntax, another solution would need to be found. There are potential ways to fix this through refactoring, including moving one entity to a different library, changing the extern declaration to use only extern declarations, or using generic programming to create an indirection. However, each of these is a refactoring that may hinder adoption.

At present, the disadvantages are considered to outweigh the advantages. It’s possible that this may be revisited later if we get more code and libraries using these tools and recognize some patterns that we can better or more directly support. However, we should be hesitant to provide a second syntax for extern if it’s not adding substantial value, under Principle: Prefer providing only one way to do a given thing.

Allow cross-package extern declarations

We could choose a syntax for extern declarations that allows cross-package extern declarations. These are effectively supported in C++, where there are no package boundaries. Dropping support will create a migration barrier.

However, there is a strong desire to restrict the use of cross-package declarations in order to reduce the difficult and complex refactoring costs that result from cross-package declarations: requiring that a particular name not change its declaration category (a class must remain a class, preventing alias) and that parameters (either function or generic) must remain the same, not even allowing implicit conversions.

The package boundaries serve an important purpose in balancing costs for refactoring.


Migration of C++ forward declarations

This is not proposing a particular approach to migration. However, for consideration of the proposal, it can be helpful to consider how migration will work.

It’s expected under this approach that migration of a forward declaration will require identifying the Carbon library that defines the entity. Then:

  • The forward declaration will need to be adjusted based on library and package boundaries:
    • If the forward declaration is disallowed in Carbon, it may need to be removed.
    • If the forward declaration is in the same library as the defining library, then no extern is required.
    • If the forward declaration is in a different library but the same package, then extern is added.
    • If the forward declaration is in a different package, the forward declaration must be removed. To replace it, there are a couple options which would need to be chosen by heuristic:
      1. Add a dependency on the actual definition. This might be infeasible when the defining library has many complex dependencies.
      2. Add a library to the other package that provides the necessary extern declaration. This might be infeasible when the package is not owned by the package being migrated.
    • If the forward declared code is in C++, we need to retain a forward declaration in C++. A couple examples of how we might achieve that are:
      • Provide Carbon syntax for an in-file forward declaration of C++ code (for example, extern cpp <declaration>).
      • Create a small C++ header providing the forward declaration, and depend on it.
  • Fix meaningful differences in parameter names, for example by updating the forward declaration’s parameter names to match the definition.
  • Fix meaningful differences in modifier keywords, for example by adding a function forward declaration’s modifiers to the definition.