Matching redeclarations

Pull request

Table of contents


Require exact syntactic matching in redeclarations. Provide new terminology for redeclaration matching and agreement. Specify non-redeclaration rules for the other contexts where we require multiple declarations to match, such as impls of interfaces, impls of virtual fns.


When we see two declarations that might declare the same entity, we need to know:

  • Do they actually declare the same entity?
  • Are they similar enough to be valid declarations of the same entity?

Leads issue #1132 has rules for this, and those rules were partially incorporated into the design by #1084 Generics details 9: forward declarations. However:

  • #1084 only covers generics, not the whole scope of the language, and

  • #1132’s hybrid approach of using a syntactic rule but allowing syntactic deviations for aliases has proven challenging and awkward to implement in the Carbon toolchain.


Related issues and proposals:

#1132 rule

Under issue #1132, as fleshed out by proposal #1084:

Two declarations declare the same entity if they match, which in most cases simply means that they have the same name and same scope. For impl declarations, which don’t have names, there is a more complicated rule.

Two declarations that declare the same entity agree if they are similar enough to be valid redeclarations of that entity. This requires them to have the same syntactic form, with some exceptions:

  1. Parameter names can be replaced by _ if the parameter is not used in the declaration.
  2. Grouping parentheses can be present in one declaration and absent in another if it doesn’t change the parse result.
  3. An alias can be used in one declaration, where the alias target or a different alias to the same target is used in the other declaration.

Concerns have been raised that the terminology in use here is problematic:

  • Declarations are said to “match” even when they are quite dissimilar – for example, functions with different signatures are said to match.
  • The term “match” is easy to confuse with pattern-matching terminology.
  • The term “agree” sounds like it is expressing an opinion.
  • These terms don’t fit well into diagnostics. For example, we considered diagnostic text similar to “Declaration X does not agree with matching declaration Y”, which doesn’t clearly describe the problem. While it’s not necessary for us to use the formal, technical terminology in diagnostics, it would be useful to have terminology that also works in that context.

The chosen rule has also been found to be problematic to implement in practice, because it combines the purely-syntactic concern of whether the same syntax is used with the semantic, scope-based concern of the name lookup result, at least for aliases.

C++ rule

In C++, two function or function template declarations declare the same entity if they have the same:

  • scope
  • name
  • template parameter lists
  • return type, if a function template
  • parameter types and trailing ellipsis

In each case, the component of the declaration can be written in different ways between declaration and definition. In general, names of parameters can be arbitrarily different. Types can be written in different ways, so long as they resolve to the same thing. However, parts of the declaration that depend on template parameters must be written with the same token sequence, which must be interpreted in the same way, or the dragons of “ill-formed, no diagnostic required” may burn your program to the ground.

There is also a grey area between cases where token-by-token matching is required and more liberal matching is permitted, where it’s not clear what rule to apply. The oldest still-open core language issue against C++, CWG issue 2, concerns such a case, but there are many more examples.

In C++, because the scope of a declaration is only entered part-way through declaring it – specifically, after the return type – such problems are hard to avoid. There are constructs that must be written differently in an in-class declaration versus in an out-of-line definition.

struct A {
  struct B {};
  B f();
// Can't write this as `B f()`.
A::B A::f() {}

In Carbon, there is no such problem, so a simpler rule is available to us. Indeed, it’s desirable to support a simple syntactic rule for transforming an in-class declaration into an out-of-class definition, both for tooling and for programmers.

One-definition rule

Proposal #3762 establishes the following rules:

If an entity is declared in the api file of a library, it can be redeclared in impl files subject to other rules on redundant redeclarations, and a definition is required in exactly one impl file.

If the entity is not declared in the api file, and is instead introduced as non-extern in an impl file, then it must be defined in that impl file. Note that this means that such an entity can only be declared in a single impl file; if an entity is intended to be shared by multiple impl files, it must be declared in the api file, typically as a private member of the library.

Where declarations can appear

Because declarations always declare their entity within the lexically-enclosing package, and the package forms part of the scope, declarations for an entity can only appear in a single package.

As specified in #3762, entities can be declared in more than one library: Each entity has an owning library, and all declarations of that entity outside the owning library are declared extern. All declarations of an entity without the extern keyword are required to appear in the same library.


Replace the terminology (“match” and “agree”) and corresponding rules here as follows:

  • Two named declarations declare the same entity if they have the same scope and the same name.
  • One declaration redeclares another if they declare the same entity and the second declaration appears after the first, including the case where the first declaration is imported. In this case, the second declaration is said to be a redeclaration of the first.
  • Two declarations differ if the sequence of tokens in the declaration following the introducer keyword and the optional scope, up to the semicolon or open brace, is different, except for unused modifiers on parameters.
  • The program is invalid if it contains two declarations of the same entity that differ.
class A {
  fn F(n: i32);
  fn G(n: i32);

// ❌ Error, parameter name differs.
fn A.F(m: i32) {}

// ❌ Error, parameter type differs syntactically.
fn A.G(n: (i32)) {}


Syntactic vs semantic matching

Redeclarations are primarily checked syntactically. The intention is that whenever the syntax matches, the semantics must also match. This is largely true, and is supported by the information accumulation principle that it is an error if information learned later would have affected the meaning of earlier code.

Two specific cases are worth calling out here:

Because the semantics of declarations should always match if the syntax matches, we expect implementations of Carbon to be able to call out semantic differences between redeclarations – for example, “type of parameter x in redeclaration is different from type in previous declaration” – not only point to where the syntax diverged.

All non-extern declarations of an entity are in the same library, and all non-extern declarations see the first non-extern declaration of the entity, which is either in the same file or, for a declaration in an implementation file, in the API file, so we can always perform a precise syntactic redeclaration check if we persist syntactic information from the API file to implementation files.

Unqualified name lookup

namespace N;
class C;
fn N.F(x: C);
class N.C;
fn N.F(x: C) {}

Here, it appears that the unqualified reference to C resolves to two different classes in the two declarations. However, following the information accumulation principle, we consider the declaration of N.C invalid because it would change the meaning of the unqualified name C that has already been used.

Specifically, we add the following rule:

  • In a declarative scope, it is an error if a name is first looked up and not found, and later introduced.

Names for which unqualified lookup is performed and fails are said to be poisoned in that scope.

Declarative scopes here are scopes like namespaces, classes, and interfaces. Another way of looking at this rule is that reordering the declarations in a declarative scope should never result in a program that is still valid but has a different meaning.

It is also possible to declare an entity in a non-declarative scope, such as in a function body. We call non-declarative scopes sequential scopes, and use a different rule:

  • It is an error to redeclare an entity in a sequential scope.

This rule is provisional: no alternative has been suggested, and we don’t know whether there is strong motivation for supporting redeclaration in sequential scopes. In C++, such redeclarations are permitted, but we are not aware of any instance of this functionality being used. There are likely other good options to use here, but we consider them outside the scope of this proposal.

In order to ensure that two declarations with the same syntax have the same semantics when one declaration is in an API file and a redeclaration is in an implementation file of the same library, we start each implementation file with the name lookup state from the end of its API file. In particular:

  • All names declared in the API file are visible in the implementation file, even if they’re private.
  • All imports in the API file are visible in the implementation file, even if they’re not exported.
  • Poisoned names are persisted from the API file to the implementation file: if a name is looked up by unqualified name lookup in an API file, but not found in that scope, the name cannot be declared in that scope in an implementation file.

Note that the above only apply within the same library. It is permitted for a name to be poisoned in one library but declared in another.

Some additional considerations apply to extern declarations, where it is possible for name lookups in two syntactically identical declarations to have different results.

impls that have not yet been declared

It is possible for a declaration of an entity to have one meaning because impl lookup finds a broad impl, and for a redeclaration to have a second meaning because impl lookup finds a narrower impl. However, in such a case, the declaration of the narrower impl declaration is invalid, because it would change the meaning of an earlier impl lookup. From #875:

When an impl needs to be resolved, only those impl declarations that have that appear earlier are considered. However, if a later impl declaration would change the result of any earlier impl lookup, the program is invalid.

Declaration modifiers

Declaration modifier keywords appear prior to the introducer keyword and scope in a declaration, so are not involved in checking whether two declarations differ. There may be other rules that determine whether modifiers may or must be repeated on a redeclaration, but they are out of scope for this proposal.

class A {
  virtual fn F[self: Self]();

// ✅︎ OK, `virtual` not required to match.
fn A.F[self: Self]() {}

_ parameter names and unused modifier

Issue #1132 permitted redeclarations of a function to differ by having one declaration of a function name a parameter and the other leave it unnamed with _. That flexibility is removed by this proposal.

This change improves the consistency of redeclarations, and also closes a hole in the syntactic matching rule:

fn F(T:! type, x: T);

alias T = i32;

// ❌ Not equivalent to previous declaration, but same syntax
// other than replacing parameter name with `_`.
fn F(_:! type, x: T);

However, it is important that a function definition can choose to not use its parameter, in a way that is not visible in the API. Therefore we exclude unused modifiers from the syntactic difference check.

// Now equivalent to the first declaration above.
// However, this is invalid because `T` is declared unused
// but is used in the type of `x`.
fn F(unused T:! type, x: T):

For simplicity, and to avoid any need to check unused annotations match between declaration and definition, we disallow unused from appearing on a parameter in a non-defining declaration.

More generally, annotations on a declaration that are only relevant to the definition should be excluded from the check. At the moment, the unused annotation is the only such case, but we anticipate more cases emerging in the future. Attributes on function parameters are another example that may need special-casing.

Scope differences

In addition to comparing whether the name and parameter portion of a declaration differ from that of another declaration, we also need rules governing the scope portion. The rule we use for a qualified declaration is:

  • Take the portion of the declaration from the introducer up to the end of the scope.
  • Replace the introducer keyword with the introducer keyword of the scope.
  • Replace the trailing . with a ;.
  • The result must be a valid declaration of the scope, ignoring restrictions on how often the scope can be redeclared.

Put another way: each portion of the qualified name must not differ from the declaration of the corresponding entity.

For example:

namespace N;

class N.C(T:! type) {
  class D(U:! type) {
    fn F(a: T, b: U);

fn N.C(T:! type).D(U:! type).F(a: T, b: U) {}

In this function definition:

  • F(a: T, b: U) does not differ from the declaration of F.
  • class N.C(T:! type).D(U:! type); would be a valid redeclaration of D, because:
    • D(U:! type) does not differ from the declaration of D.
    • class N.C(T:! type); would be a valid redeclaration of C, because:
      • C(T:! type) does not differ from the declaration of C.
      • namespace N; would be a valid redeclaration of N.

So this is a valid definition of F.

Note that this means that, for example, all members of a class must use the same name for each generic parameter of that class. It cannot be T in one out-of-line member definition and ElementType in another, or the scope in the out-of-line definition would not match.

Future work: This rule does not permit aliases to be used for top-level names in a declaration. This may be reasonable in most cases, because all declarations other than perhaps an extern declaration will be in the same library. However, names within namespaces may be declared anywhere within a package, and a mechanism to permit renaming of a namespace without making an atomic change to the entire package would be useful.

impl declarations


The rules from #1084 for impl declarations are largely unchanged in this proposal, except that the allowance for aliases to be expanded is removed.

We cannot use the declaration name to determine whether two impl declarations declare the same entity. Instead, two impl declarations declare the same entity if the portion of the declaration from the introducer keyword until the ; or { does not differ, except:

  • If the constraint type in the impl is of the syntactic form expression where constraints, then the constraints portion is not considered.
  • impl as is rewritten to impl Self as before looking for a previous declaration and checking for differences from any previous declaration that is found.
interface I {
  let T:! type;

class A {
  impl as I where .T = ();
  // ✅︎ Redeclaration of previous declaration.
  impl Self as I where _ {}

Note: These rules assume that impl declarations have an associated scope, and can only be redeclared in that scope, like all other declarations. This was the consensus in discussion on 2024-03-11 but has not yet been incorporated into a design proposal. This will be the subject of a separate proposal.

In the same discussion, the consensus was to permit such an impl to be redeclared out-of-line, with parentheses added around the name of the impl. That would lead to the following behavior under this proposal:

// ✅︎ Redeclaration of the `impl` from the previous example.
impl A.(Self as I) where _;

// ✅︎ Rewritten to `impl A.(Self as I) where _;` before redeclaration check.
// Same as previous example.
impl A.(as I) where _;

However, this syntax change for impls is not part of this proposal.

Differences between impl declarations

As specified in #1084, an impl declaration can be of the form

impl [...] as interface where _;

with an _ replacing the constraints in the where expression. For such a declaration, a prior declaration must be found or the impl is invalid. The _ is replaced by the constraints in the prior declaration.

After this transformation, the normal rule is applied: the impl declaration cannot differ from the previous declaration. For an implementation that performs a semantic replacement of _ rather than a syntactic one, it can terminate the comparison when it reaches the _.

Out-of-line definitions of associated functions

A small change is made to the rule for scopes for impl members: parentheses are added around the corresponding portion of the scope. For example:

impl Type as Interface {
  fn F();
// Not `fn Type as Interface.F() {}`.
fn (Type as Interface).F() {}

Similarly for parameterized impls:

impl forall [T:! type] T as Interface(T) {
  fn F();
fn (forall [T:! type] T as Interface(T)).F() {}

And for class-scope impl members:

class Class {
  impl as Interface {
    fn F();
    fn G();

// ✅︎ OK
fn Class.(Self as Interface).F() {}

// ✅︎ Rewritten to `Self as Interface`.
fn Class.(as Interface).G() {}

Note: As part of associating impl declarations with a scope, the consensus in our discussion was to also change the impl forall syntax to:

impl [T:! type](T as Interface(T));

If that change is made, the scope syntax will similarly change to reflect the new syntax:

fn [T:! type](T as Interface(T)).F() {}

However, that change is out of scope for this proposal.

impl members vs interface members

We need rules governing how associated functions in an impl are permitted to differ from the corresponding declarations in the interface:

interface I {
  fn F(s: Self);
impl i32 as I {
  // Is this valid?
  fn F(s: i32);

It is tempting to base the rules here on the rules we use to check redeclarations. However, this turns out to be a poor choice:

  • The redeclaration rule would syntactically couple the declaration in the interface to the definition in the impl. But these declarations could be in different libraries, or even different packages, so such coupling would make refactorings that change the way that code is expressed but not its meaning either difficult or impossible.
  • The associated function in an impl is expected to have different syntax than that in the interface in some cases. The two declarations are in different scopes, so will refer to the same types in different ways. And the declaration in the impl is declared with knowledge of the Self type and associated constants for the interface, which it may be reasonable to use directly in the declaration of the function, as in the preceding example.

Therefore, different rules are used. In the specific case where an associated function declaration in the impl can be used directly to satisfy a requirement introduced by a function declaration in the interface, it is used directly. For example, this is necessary to avoid infinite recursion when implementing the Call interface.

The function in the impl is used directly when:

  • Each parameter in the impl function has the same type as the parameter in the interface. This includes the self parameter, which must be present in both functions if it is present in either.
  • Each parameter in the impl has the same category – either var or not – as the parameter in the interface.
  • The return type in the interface and impl are the same type.

Note: More constraints are expected to appear here over time. The key property we aim to identify is whether the two functions have the same calling convention.

Otherwise, a synthetic function called a thunk is generated:

  • The declaration of the thunk is formed by substituting the Self type of the impl into the declaration in the interface. This implicitly also provides values for any associated constants used in the declaration.
  • The body of the thunk calls the function in the impl, passing in the arguments to the thunk, and, if a return type is specified in the interface, returning the value returned by the call.

If the function in the interface does not have a return type, the program is invalid if the function in the impl specifies a return type.

Note: Another rule might work better here. For example, we could allow impls to add a return type in anticipation of the interface later adding one. However, such a feature is considered out of scope for this proposal.

Implicit conversions are performed as necessary to initialize the parameters of the function in the impl from the parameters of the thunk, and to initialize the return value of the function from the result of the call.

It is an error if a thunk is needed to wrap a function declaration with a var parameter, because otherwise a copy would always be performed when initializing the parameter.

Note: Here as well another rule may work better and we should revisit in the future. Specifically, it might be better to allow these cases and simply move from the outer var to the inner var even though this still leaves two allocations in principle.

Note: These rules do not cover the case where the function declaration in the interface or impl has implicit generic bindings. That case is considered to be out of scope for this proposal.

virtual functions

For a virtual function, the same approach is taken as for impl functions: a thunk is generated that differs from the declaration in the base class by replacing the type of self with the derived class, unless the function chosen for a class can be used directly. When a virtual function is used directly in a base class and not overridden in the derived class, it is also used directly in the derived class, even though its declared self parameter does not have a matching type.

base class B {
  // No thunk used.
  virtual fn F[addr self: B*]();
  virtual fn G[addr self: B*]();
base class C {
  extend B;
  // No thunk used: `self` has expected type `C*`.
  impl fn F[addr self: C*]();
  // Uses a thunk due to unexpected `self` type.
  impl fn G[addr self: B*]();
class D {
  // No thunk for `F`, because no thunk was used in `C`.
  // Uses thunk for `F`, because thunk was used in `C`.
  extend C;

Note that this supports covariant return types automatically, as well as any other case where the return value from the derived class function can be implicitly converted to the base class function’s return type. However, an impl fn doesn’t introduce a new name lookup result, so the return type of a call expression is always that of the virtual fn, which means this feature is not useful.

Future work: It might be useful to allow a declaration to both implement an existing virtual function and introduce a new one. This would allow introducing functions with covariant return types that work as expected. This could be achieved with syntax such as:

base class A {
  virtual fn Clone[self: Self]() -> A*;
base class B {
  virtual impl fn Clone[self: Self]() -> B*;

Here, a call to b->Clone() would find B.Clone rather than A.Clone, and so would have return type B*. The downside is that the vtable for B would have two Clone slots, for A.Clone and B.Clone, whereas a covariant return in C++ would only need a single vtable slot to express the same thing.

It is an error for a class with a custom value representation to declare or implement a virtual function that passes self by value.

extern declarations

For extern declarations, some additional considerations apply to the rule disallowing redeclarations from syntactically differing:

  • This rule cannot in general be checked during compilation. For example, there may be no file that imports both an extern declaration and the library that owns the entity.
  • Despite being syntactically identical, extern declarations can have different meanings from the entity they redeclare due to unqualified lookup results differing.
  • A constraint that the declarations be syntactically identical is a greater burden, because it introduces syntactic coupling across libraries that may make refactoring harder.

We address these points as follows:

  • Checking whether extern declarations properly redeclare their targets during compilation is best-effort.
    • extern declarations are expected to be fully checked at link time, including both syntactic and semantic checks, by emitting extra information into the object files.
    • Some level of semantic checks may be important for an implementation in order to ensure its data structures are consistent. For example, constant evaluation may cross between file boundaries, and it may be important that types used in compile-time functions have the same meaning in the caller and callee in order to support such calls.
    • Any further compile-time checking is optional and best-effort. Carbon implementations are encouraged to perform a reasonable set of checks during compilation in order to improve the quality of diagnostics and produce diagnostics earlier, but can defer harder cases until link time. For example, an implementation could choose to not track the syntactic form of a declaration, and perform only semantic checks during compilation, deferring syntactic checking until link time.
  • To support extern declarations, an additional constraint is imposed: the lookup results for names used in each declaration of an entity are required to be the same. This rule actually applies to all declarations of all entities, but it only has an effect – and needs to be checked – for extern declarations.
    • It is an error if an extern declaration mentions any private entity that is not also extern. Such a declaration could never match an entity owned by another library.
    • This check will in general need to be performed at link time, in addition to the link time syntactic checks.
  • For now, we will try this restrictive rule, even though it creates refactoring burden.
    • This was discussed and tentatively agreed in the open discussion on 2024-03-05
    • Creating an extern declaration necessarily creates additional coupling between libraries. Even a very permissive matching rule would not fully address the potential problems here.

let and var declarations

Per issue #2590: syntax for declaring global variables in a namespace, there are two different forms for let and var declarations in declarative scopes:

// An optional scope, and a single name binding.
let Scope.A: Type = Value;

// An arbitrary pattern that is not a name binding.
let (A: Type1, B: Type2) = Value;

Note that this presentation is slightly different from #2590, which divided the cases into qualified name bindings and arbitrary patterns, but the set of cases is the same.

The former of these two cases is treated the same as any other declaration with an introducer, an optional scope, a name, and a body, except that the end of the declaration is at the = or ; rather than at the } or ;. If let and var declarations can be redeclared – which is a decision that is out of scope for this proposal – then these declarations follow the normal rules for redeclarations, and the type of the variable is in the declaration portion, so is not permitted to differ between declarations.

The latter case, with an arbitrary pattern that is not a single binding, does not permit redeclarations.



  • Language tools and ecosystem
    • Matching of declarations by simple tools is possible without sophisticated semantic analysis. A simple token comparison is sufficient to match an out-of-line definition to a declaration.
    • Moving a definition out of line is similarly a straightforward syntactic transformation.
  • Software and language evolution
    • Function declarations that differ only in some subtle way are disallowed, leaving the maximum room available for future function overloading features.
    • Functions in impls and interfaces are allowed to differ so long as conversions are available, allowing interfaces to be changed in compatible ways.
  • Code that is easy to read, understand, and write
    • Requires writing code consistently between declarations.
  • Interoperability with and migration from existing C++ code
    • Provides a framework within which C++ virtual functions with covariant return types can be supported.


  • Information accumulation
    • Unqualified lookups follow the information accumulation rule: reordering declarations can’t result in a different but valid program.

Alternatives considered

Use a partially or fully semantic rule

We could allow declarations to differ more arbitrarily. We would need a rule to support comparisons of portions of declarations that are dependent on template parameters, and such comparisons likely need to be partially or fully syntactic.


  • Allows the interface to be presented in a way that is suitable for a reader of the interface, and the implementation to be presented in a different way that is suitable for a reader of the implementation.
  • Additional flexibility for refactorings that are partially or incrementally applied.


  • A syntactic rule would still be needed sometimes, but would be applied inconsistently.
  • Drawing a line between the syntactic and semantic checks would be complicated and difficult, as evidenced by such a line not having been successfully drawn in C++.
  • Allowing divergence between the syntax used in redeclarations makes code harder to read and understand, and can permit unintended divergence, or even bugs such as function parameters of the same type being swapped.

Use package-wide name poisoning

Instead of name poison only propagating from the API file to implementation files of the same library, we could poison names across the whole package if an unqualified lookup in a scope fails. If fully enforced, this would improve the ability to move code between libraries, as it wouldn’t be possible for unqualified lookup results to change depending on where the code is. Full enforcement of this rule would require a link-time check, but it could be partially enforced at compile time, in cases where the poisoning lookup and the declaration are both visible in some compilation step.

Whether this option might be appealing may depend on our position on name shadowing. In addition to the option commonly used in other languages, of allowing names in inner scopes to hide names in outer scopes, we have been considering a more restrictive option: always look in all enclosing scopes, and diagnose an ambiguity if an unqualified name is found in more than one enclosing scope.

We do not yet have a proposal with a name shadowing rule. If we pick the more restrictive option, the impact of package-wide name poisoning is also quite restrictive: for example, a name used as a local variable in a function in one library cannot be used as a public name in any enclosing namespace in any library in that package. If we pick the less-restrictive rule, then package-wide poisoning may become more palatable and should be reconsidered.

With either shadowing rule, some special accommodation for private names might be reasonable. A use of a name in one library that results in the name being poisoned should probably not conflict with a private declaration in another library, because the two uses of the name cannot interact.

Allow shadowing in implementation file after use in API file

In this proposal, we say it is an error for a name to be shadowed in an implementation file after it is used in an API file:

library "foo" api;
namespace N;
class A {}
fn N.F(x: A);
library "foo" impl;
// ❌ Shadows `class A`. Cannot declare `N.A` after we already
// looked for it in the declaration of `N.F`.
class N.A {}
fn N.F(x: A) {}

We could allow such code. However, this would mean that the redeclaration check for N.F would not be purely syntactic.

We considered other ways of addressing this. In particular, we considered disallowing the declaration of N.F in the implementation file because it uses a local name to declare a non-local function. However, this doesn’t resolve the problem: the class N.A could be imported from a different library instead of being declared locally. Variations of this were considered, but none of them seemed to work adequately.