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if and else provide conditional execution of statements. Syntax is:

if (boolean expression ) { statements }

[ else if ( boolean expression ) { statements } ] …

[ else { statements } ]

Only one group of statements will execute:

  • When the first if’s boolean expression evaluates to true, its associated statements will execute.
  • When earlier boolean expressions evaluate to false and an else if’s boolean expression evaluates to true, its associated statements will execute.
    • ... else if ... is equivalent to ... else { if ... }, but without visible nesting of braces.
  • When all boolean expressions evaluate to false, the else’s associated statements will execute.

When a boolean expression evaluates to true, no later boolean expressions will evaluate.

Note that else if may be repeated.

For example:

if (fruit.IsYellow()) {
} else if (fruit.IsOrange()) {
} else if (fruit.IsGreen()) {
} else {

This code will:

  • Evaluate fruit.IsYellow():
    • When True, print Banana! and resume execution at fruit.Eat().
    • When False, evaluate fruit.IsOrange():
      • When True, print Orange! and resume execution at fruit.Eat().
      • When False, evaluate fruit.IsGreen():
        • When True, print Apple! and resume execution at fruit.Eat().
        • When False, print Vegetable! and resume execution at fruit.Eat().

Alternatives considered
