Values, variables, pointers, and references

Pull request

Table of contents


Introduce a concrete design for how Carbon values, objects, storage, variables, and pointers will work. This includes fleshing out the design for:

  • The expression categories used in Carbon to represent values and objects, how they interact, and terminology that anchors on their expression nature.
  • An expression category model for readonly, abstract values that can efficiently support input to functions.
  • A customization system for value expression representations, especially as seen on function boundaries in the calling convention.
  • An expression category model for references instead of a type system model.
  • How patterns match different expression categories.
  • How initialization works in conjunction with function returns.
  • Specific pointer syntax, semantics, and library customization mechanisms.
  • A const type qualifier for use when the value expression category system is too abstracted from the underlying objects in storage.


Carbon needs a design for how values, variables, objects, pointers, and references work within the language. These designs are heavily interdependent and so they are presented together here. The design also needs to provide a compelling solution for a wide range of use cases in the language:

  • Easy to use, and use correctly, function input and in/out parameters.
  • Clear separation of read-only use cases like function inputs from mutable use cases.
  • Local names bound both to fixed values and mutable variables.
  • Indirect (and mutable) access to objects (by way of pointers or references).
  • Extensible models for dereferencing and indexing.
  • A delineated method subset which forms the API for read-only or input objects.
  • A delineated method subset which forms the APIs for indirect access to shared objects in thread-compatible ways.
  • Interoperation between function input parameters and C++ const & parameters.
  • Complex type designs which expose both interior pointers and exterior pointers transparently for extended dereferencing or indexing.

Conceptual integrity between local variables and parameters

An additional challenge that this design attempts to address is retaining the conceptual integrity between local variables and parameters. Two of the most fundamental refactorings in software engineering are inlining and outlining of regions of code. These operations introduce or collapse one of the most basic abstraction boundaries in the language: functions. These refactorings translate between local variables and parameters in both directions. In order to ensure these translations are unsurprising and don’t face significant expressive gaps or behavioral differences, it is important to have strong semantic consistency between local variables and function parameters. While there are some places that these need to differ, there should be a strong overlap of the core facilities, design, and behavior.


Much of this is informed by the experience of working with increasingly complex “value categories” (actually categorizing expressions) and parameter passing in C++ and how the language arrived there. Some background references on this area of C++ and the problems encountered:


I’ve also written up a detailed walk-through of the different use cases and considerations that touch on the space of values, references, function inputs, and more across C++ in an appendix.

Leads questions which informed the design proposed here:

It also builds on the design of the proposal “Initialization of memory and variables” (#257), implementing part of #1993.


This section provides a condensed overview of the proposal. The details are covered in the updated content in the design, and each section links into the relevant content there. While this overview both duplicates and summarizes content, it isn’t intending anything different from the updates to the design content, and the design content should be considered authoritative as it will also continue to be maintained going forward.

Values, objects, and expressions

Carbon has both abstract values and concrete objects. Carbon values are things like 42, true, and i32 (a type value). Carbon objects have storage where values can be read and written. Storage also allows taking the address of an object in memory in Carbon.

Both objects and values can be nested within each other. For example (true, true) is both a value and also contains two sub-values. When a two-tuple is stored somewhere, it is both a tuple-typed object and contains two subobjects.

Details: Values, objects, and expressions

Expressions are categorized in a way that explains how they produce values or refer to objects:

  • Value expressions produce abstract, read-only values that cannot be modified or have their address taken.
  • Reference expressions refer to objects with storage where a value may be read or written and the object’s address can be taken.
  • Initializing expressions which require storage to be provided implicitly when evaluating the expression. The expression then initializes an object in that storage. These are used to model function returns, which can construct the returned value directly in the caller’s storage.

Details: Expression categories

Patterns, var, let, and local variables

Patterns are by default value patterns and match value expressions, but can be introduced with the var keyword to create a variable pattern that has storage and matches initializing expressions. Names bound in value patterns become value expressions, and names bound in a variable pattern become durable reference expressions referring to an object in that pattern’s storage.

Local patterns can be introduced with let to get the default behavior of a readonly pattern, or they can be directly introduced with var to form a variable pattern and declare mutable local variables.

Details: Binding patterns and local variables with let and var

Pointers, dereferencing, and references

Pointers in Carbon are the primary mechanism for indirect access to storage containing some object. Dereferencing a pointer forms a durable reference expression to the object.

Carbon pointers are heavily restricted compared to C++ pointers – they cannot be null and they cannot be indexed or have pointer arithmetic performed on them. Carbon will have dedicated mechanisms that still provide this functionality, but those are future work.

Details: Pointers

The syntax for working with pointers is similar to C++:

var i: i32 = 42;
var p: i32* = &i;

// Form a reference expression `*p` and assign `13` to the referenced storage.
*p = 13;


Carbon doesn’t have reference types, just reference expressions. API designs in C++ that use references (outside of a few common cases like const & function parameters) will typically use pointers in Carbon. The goal is to simplify and focus the type system on a primary model of indirect access to an object.

Details: Reference types


Carbon supports indexing that both accesses directly contained storage like an array and indirect storage like C++’s std::span. As a result, the exact interfaces used for indexing reflect the expression category of the indexed operand and the specific interface its type implements. This proposal just updates and refines this design with the new terminology.

Details: Indexing

const-qualified types

Carbon provides the ability to qualify a type T with the keyword const to get a const-qualified type: const T. This is exclusively an API-subsetting feature in Carbon – for more fundamentally “immutable” use cases, value expressions and bindings should be used instead. Pointers to const-qualified types in Carbon provide a way to reference an object with an API subset that can help model important requirements like ensuring usage is exclusively by way of a thread-safe interface subset of an otherwise thread-compatible type.

Details: const-qualified types

Interop with const & and const methods

Carbon makes value expressions interoperable with const & function parameters. There are two dangers of this approach:

  • Those constructs in C++ do allow the address to be taken, so Carbon will synthesize an object and address for value expressions for the duration of the C++ call as needed. C++ code already cannot rely on the address of const & parameters continuing to exist once the call completes.
  • C++ also allows casting away const. However, this doesn’t allow a method to safely mutate a const & parameter, except its mutable members.

In both cases, correct C++ code should already respect the limitations Carbon needs for this interop. The same applies to the implicit this parameter of const methods in C++.

Details: Interop with C++ const & and const methods


Carbon will provide a way to customize the implementation representation of a value expression by nominating some other type to act as its representation. This will be indicated through an explicit syntactic marker in the class definition, and will require the type to impl a customization interface ReferenceImplicitAs to provide the needed functionality. The result will be to form this custom type when forming a value expression from a reference expression, and will restrict the operations on such a value expression to implicitly converting to the nominated type.

Details: Value representation and customization

Carbon will also allow customizing the behavior of a dereference operation on a type to allow building “smart pointers” or other pointer-like types in the library. This will be done in a similar fashion to overloading other operators, where the overloaded operation returns some other pointer that is then dereferenced to form a reference expression.

Details: Dereferencing customization


  • Pointers are a fundamental components of all modern computer hardware – they are abstractly random-access machines – and being able to directly model and manipulate this is necessary for performance-critical software.
  • Simplifying the type system by avoiding both pointers and references is expected to make code easier to read, understand, and write.
  • Creating space in both the syntax and type system to introduce ownership and lifetime information is important to be able to address long term safety needs.
  • Pointers are expected to be deeply familiar to C++ programmers and easily interoperate with C++ code.

Contrasting the rationale for pointers with goto

There is an understandable concern about Carbon deeply incorporating pointers into its design – pointers in C and C++ have been the root of systematic security and correctness bugs. There is an amazing wealth of “gotchas” tied to pointers that it can seem unreasonable to build Carbon on top of these foundations. By analogy, the goto control-flow construct is similarly considered deeply problematic and there is a wealth of literature in computer science and programming language design on how and why to build languages on top of structured control flow instead. It would be very concerning to build goto into the fundamental design of Carbon as an integral and pervasive component of its control flow. However, there are two important distinctions between pointers and goto.

First, C and C++ pointers are very different from Carbon pointers, and their rightly earned reputation as a source of bugs and confusion stems precisely from these differences:

  • C pointers can be null, the [“billion dollar mistake”][null-mistake], Carbon’s cannot be. Carbon requires null-ness to be explicitly modeled in the type system and dealt with prior to dereference.
  • C pointers can be indexed even when not pointing to an array. Carbon’s pointers are to singular objects. Carbon handles indexing with a separate construct and types to distinguish arrays where indexing is semantically meaningful from the cases where it is not.
  • C pointers support deeply surprising indexing patterns such as 3[pointer]. Carbon restricts to unsurprising indexing.
  • C pointers don’t enforce lifetime or any other memory safety properties. While Carbon does not yet support these deeper protections, tackling memory safety is an explicit plan of Carbon’s and may yet result in changes to the pointer type to reflect the safety risks posed by them.


While these are described in terms of C’s pointers, C++ inherits these without meaningful improvement from C. The core point here is that while Carbon is building pointers into its foundations, it is building in the least problematic and most useful aspect of pointers and leaving almost all of the legacy and risk behind. That is a critical part of what makes pointers viable in Carbon.

The second important contrast with goto is the lack of a comprehensive alternative to pointers. Structured control flow has been thoroughly studied and shown to address the practical needs of expressing control flow. As a consequence, we have good tools to replace goto within languages, and we should use them. In contrast, Carbon programs are still expected to map onto von Neumann architecture machines and need to model the fundamental construct of a pointer to data. We have no comprehensive alternative to solve all of the practical needs surrounding indirect access to data on such an architecture.

So despite including pointers as one of the building blocks of Carbon, we don’t need for goto to be the surfaced and visible building block of Carbon’s control flow. Even if we decide to support some limited forms of goto to handle edge cases where structured constructs end up suboptimal, we can still build the foundations in a structured way without impairing the use of Carbon to work with the low-level hardware effectively.

Alternatives considered

Value expression escape hatches

We could provide escape hatches for value expressions that (unsafely) take the address or even perform mutations through a value expression. This would more easily match patterns like const_cast in C++. However, there seem to be effective ways of rewriting the code to avoid this need so this proposal suggests not adding these escape hatches now. We will instead provide a more limited escape exclusively for interop. We can add more later if experience proves this is an important pattern to support without the contortions of manually creating a local copy (or changing to pointers).

References in addition to pointers

The primary and most obvious alternative to the design proposed here is the one used by C++: have references in addition to pointers in the type system. This initially allows zero-syntax modeling of L-values, which can in turn address many use cases here much as they do in C++. Similarly, adding different kinds of references can allow modeling more complex situations such as different lifetime semantics.

However, this approach has two fundamental downsides. First, it would add overall complexity to the language as references don’t form a superset of the functionality provided by pointers – there is still no way to distinguish between the reference and the referenced object. This results in confusion where references are understood to be syntactic sugar over a pointer, but cannot be treated as such in several contexts.

Second, this added complexity would reside exactly in the position of the type system where additional safety complexity may be needed. We would like to leave this area (pointers and references to non-local objects) as simple and minimal as possible to ease the introduction of important safety features going forward in Carbon.

Syntax-free or automatic dereferencing

One way to make pointers behave very nearly the same as references without adding complexity to the type system is to automatically dereference them in the relevant contexts. This can, if done carefully, preserve the ability to distinguish between the pointer and the pointed-to object while still enabling pointers to be seamlessly used without syntactic overhead as L-values.

This proposal does not currently provide a way to dereference with zero syntax, even on function interface boundaries. The presence of a clear level of indirection can be an important distinction for readability. It helps surface that an object that may appear local to the caller is in fact escaped and referenced externally to some degree. However, it can also harm readability by forcing code that doesn’t need to look different to do so anyway. In the worst case, this can potentially interfere with being generic. Currently, Carbon prioritizes making the distinction here visible.

Reasonable judgement calls about which direction to prefer may differ, but Carbon’s principle of preferring lower context sensitivity leans (slightly) toward explicit dereferencing instead. That is the current proposed direction.

It may prove desirable in the future to provide an ergonomic aid to reduce dereferencing syntax within function bodies, but this proposal suggests deferring that in order to better understand the extent and importance of that use case. If and when it is considered, a direction based around a way to bind a name to a reference expression in a pattern appears to be a promising technique. Alternatively, there are various languages with implicit- or automatic-dereference designs that might be considered in the future such as Rust.

Syntax-free address-of

A closely related concern to syntax-free dereference is syntax-free address-of. Here, Carbon supports one very narrow form of this: implicitly taking the address of the implicit object parameter of member functions. Currently that is the only place with such an implicit affordance. It is designed to be syntactically sound to extend to other parameters, but currently that is not planned as we don’t yet have enough experience to motivate it and it may prove surprising.

Exclusively using references

While framed differently, this is essentially equivalent to automatic dereferencing of pointers. The key is that it does not add both options to the type system but addresses the syntactic differences separately and uses different operations to distinguish between the reference and the referenced object when necessary.

The same core arguments against automatic dereferencing applies equally to this alternative – this would remove the explicit visual marker for where non-local memory is accessed and potentially mutated.

Alternative pointer syntaxes

The syntax both for declaring a pointer type and dereferencing a pointer has been extensively discussed in the leads question #523.

The primary sources of concern over a C++-based syntax:

  1. A prefix dereference operator composes poorly with postfix and infix operations.

    • This is highlighted by the use of -> for member access due to the poor composition with .: (*pointer).member.
  2. Even without replicating the [“inside out”][inside-out] C/C++ challenges, we would end up with a prefix, postfix, and infix operator *.


The second issue was resolved in [#520], giving us at least the flexibility to consider * both for dereference and pointer type, but we still considered numerous alternatives given the first concerns. These were discussed in detail in a [document][pointer-syntax-doc] but the key syntax alternatives are extracted with modern syntax below.


Pointer type alternative syntaxes

Postfix *:

var p: i32* = &i;


  • Most familiar to C/C++ programmers
    • Doesn’t collide with prefix * for dereference so can have that familiarity as well.


  • Requires the [#520] logic to resolve parsing ambiguities.
  • Visually, * is used for both pointers and multiplication.
  • Interacts poorly with prefix array type syntaxes.
  • Looks like a C++ pointer but likely has different semantics.

Prefix *:

var p: *i32 = &i;


  • Used by Rust, Go, Zig, Jai.
  • Go in particular has good success transitioning C/C++ programmers to this syntax.
  • Allows reading types left-to-right.


  • “Pointer to T” and “Dereference T” would not be distinguished grammatically, could particularly be a problem in template code
  • * used for both pointers and multiplication
  • Uncanny valley – it is very close to C++’s syntax but not quite the same.

Prefix &:

var p: &i32 = &i;


  • “Type of a pointer is a pointer to the type”
  • Allows reading types left-to-right.


  • Visual ambiguity:

    let X:! type = i32;
    // Can't actually write this, but there is a visual collision between
    // whether this is the address of `X` or pointer-to-`i32`.
    var y: auto = &X;

Prefix ^:

var p: ^i32 = &i;


  • Used by the Pascal family of languages like Delphi, and a few others like BBC_BASIC
  • ^ looks pointy
  • ^ operator is not heavily used otherwise (as a binary op it could be bit-xor or raise-to-power).
  • Allows reading types left-to-right.


var p: Ptr(i32) = &i;


  • It is simple and unambiguous.
  • Better supports a variety of pointer types.
  • Allows reading types left-to-right.


  • Ends up making common code verbose.
  • Not widely used in other languages.

Pointer dereference syntax alternatives

Prefix *:

*p = *p * *p + (*q)[3] + r->x;


  • Matches C/C++, and will be familiar to our initial users.
  • When not composed with other operations, prefix may be easier to recognize visually than postfix.


  • * is used for both pointers and multiplication.
  • Need parens or operator -> to resolve precedence issues when composing with postfix and infix operations, which is common.

Postfix ^:

p^ = p^ * p^ + q^[3] + r^.x;


  • Generally fewer precedence issues.
  • No need for -> operator.
  • Used by Pascal family of languages.


  • Not familiar to C/C++ users.
  • Potential conflict with ^ as xor or exponentiation.
  • Non-ergonomic: would be very frequently typed, but also a stretching motion for typing.

Postfix []:

p[] = p[] * p[] + q[][3] + r[].x;


  • Generally fewer precedence issues.
  • No need for -> operator.
  • Used by Swift.


  • Two characters is a bit heavier visually.
  • Possibly confusing given that plain pointers are used for non-array pointees.

Maybe should pair this with prefix [] to make pointer types? Would also need to distinguish slice types and maybe dynamically-sized-array types.

Pointer syntax conclusion

Ultimately, the decision in #523 was to keep Carbon’s syntax familiar to C++’s. The challenges that presents and advantages of changes weren’t sufficient to overcome the advantage of familiarity and for the specific challenges we have effective solutions.

Alternative syntaxes for locals

Several other options for declaring locals were considered, but none ended up outweighing the proposed option on balance.

  • let and let mut, based on the Rust names
    • While nicely non-inventive, there was both concern that mut didn’t as effectively communicate the requirement of storage and concern around not being as obviously or unambiguously a good default with let. Put differently, the mut keyword feels more fitting in its use with mutable borrows than as a declaration introducer the way it would work in Carbon.
    • There was a desire, for locals especially, to have both cases be similarly easy to spell. While mutation being visible does seem helpful, this specific approach seemed to go too far into being a tax.
  • val and var
    • Appealing to use val instead of let given that these form value expression bindings. These are also likely to be taught and discussed as “local values” which would align well with the val introducer.
    • Not completely inventive, used in Kotlin for example. But rare, overall.
    • However, very visually similar to var which makes code harder to read at a glance.
    • Also difficult when speaking or listening to pronounce or hear the distinction.
  • const and var
    • Some familiarity for C++ developers given the use of const there.
    • const is used by other languages in a similar way to Carbon’s let.
    • However, very concerned about reusing const but having it mean something fairly different from C++ as a declaration introducer. For example, nesting a var pattern within const might be especially surprising.

Ultimately, the overwhelming most popular introducer for immutable local values across popular languages that have such a distinction is let. Using that makes Carbon unsurprising in the world of programming languages which is a good thing. Using var to help signify the allocation of storage and given it also having widespread usage across popular languages.

Make const a postfix rather than prefix operator

Using a prefix operator for const and a postfix operator for * causes them to require parentheses for complex nesting. We could avoid that by using a postfix const and this would also allow more combinations in Carbon to be valid in C++ with the same meaning as Carbon such as T* const.

This direction isn’t pursued because:

  • We expect pointers-to-const to be significantly more common in code than const-pointers-to-non-const, even more-so than is already the case in C++. And for pointers-to-const, we lean towards matching more widespread convention of const T* rather than T const*.
    • We are aware that some developers have a stylistic preference for “East const” which would write T const* in C++. However, that preference and advocacy for this style hasn’t yet caused it to become more widespread or widely adopted style.
  • We don’t expect the parenthesized form of const (T*) to be confusing to C++ developers even though C++ doesn’t allow this approach to forming a const-pointer-to-non-const.

This alternative was only lightly considered and can be revisited if we get evidence that motivates a change here.

Appendix: background, context, and use cases from C++

This appendix provides an examination of C++’s fundamental facilities in the space involving const qualification, references (including R-value references), and pointers. Beyond the expression categorization needed to provide a complete model for the language, these use cases help inform the space that should be covered by the proposed design.

const references versus const itself

C++ provides overlapping but importantly separable semantic models which interact with const references.

  1. An immutable view of a value
  2. A thread-safe interface of a [thread-compatible type][]

[thread-compatible type]:,No%20concurrent%20call

Some examples of the immutable view use case are provided below. These include const reference parameters and locals, as well as const declared local and static objects.

void SomeFunction(const int &id) {
  // Here `id` is an immutable view of some value provided by the caller.

void OtherFunction(...) {
  // ...

  const int &other_id = <some-runtime-expression>;

  // Cannot mutate `other_id` here either, it is just a view of the result of
  // `<some-runtime-expression>` above. But we can pass it along to another
  // function accepting an immutable view:

  // We can also pass ephemeral values:
  SomeFunction(other_id + 2);

  // Or values that may be backed by read-only memory:
  static const int fixed_id = 42; SomeFunction(fixed_id);

The immutable view id in SomeFunction can be thought of as requiring that the semantics of the program be exactly the same whether it is implemented in terms of a view of the initializing expression or a copy of that value, perhaps in a register.

The implications of the semantic equivalence help illustrate the requirements:

  • The input value must not change while the view is visible, or else a copy would hide those changes.
  • The view must not be used to mutate the value, or those mutations would be lost if made to a copy.
  • The identity of the object must not be relevant, or else inspection of its address would reveal whether a copy was used.

Put differently, these restrictions make a copy valid under the as-if rule.

The thread-safe interface use case is the more prevalent use of const in APIs. It is most commonly seen with code that looks like:

class MyThreadCompatibleType {
  // ...

  int Size() const { return size; }

  int size;

  // ...

void SomeFunction(const MyThreadCompatibleType *thing) {
  // ....

  // Users can expect calls to `Size` here to be correct even if running on
  // multiple threads with a shared `thing`.
  int thing_size = thing->Size();

  // ...

The first can seem like a subset of the second, but this isn’t really true. There are cases where const works for the first use case but doesn’t work well for thread-safety:

void SomeFunction(...) {
  // ...

  // We never want to release or re-allocate `data` and `const` makes sure that
  // doesn't happen. But the actual data is completely mutable!
  const std::unique_ptr<BigData> data = ComputeBigData();

  // ...

These two use cases can also lead to tension between shallow const and deep const:

  • Immutability use cases will tend towards shallow(-er) const, like pointers.
  • Thread safety use cases will tend towards deep(-er) const.


The core of C++’s indirect access to an object stored somewhere else comes from C and its lineage of explicit pointer types. These create an unambiguous separate layer between the pointer object and the pointee object, and introduce dereference syntax (both the unary * operator and the -> operator).

C++ makes an important extension to this model to represent smart pointers by allowing the dereference operators to be overloaded. This can be seen across a wide range of APIs such as std::unique_ptr, std::shared_ptr, std::weak_ptr, etc. These user-defined types preserve a fundamental property of C++ pointers: the separation between the pointer object and the pointee object.

The distinction between pointer and pointee is made syntactically explicit in C++ both when dereferencing a pointer, and when forming the pointer or taking an object’s address. These two sides can be best illustrated when pointers are used for function parameters. The caller code must explicitly take the address of an object to pass it to the function, and the callee code must explicitly dereference the pointer to access the caller-provided object.


C++ provides for indirection without the syntactic separation of pointers: references. Because a reference provides no syntactic distinction between the reference and the referenced object–that is their point!–it is impossible to refer to the reference itself in C++. This creates a number of restrictions on their design:

  • They must be initialized when declared
  • They cannot be rebound or unbound.
  • Their address cannot be taken.

References were introduced originally to enable operator overloading, but have been extended repeatedly and as a consequence fill a wide range of use cases. Separating these and understanding them is essential to forming a cohesive proposal for Carbon – that is the focus of the rest of our analysis of references here.

Special but critical case of const T&

As mentioned above, one form of reference in C++ has unique properties: const T& for some type T, or a const reference. The primary use for these is also the one that motivates its unique properties: a zero-copy way to provide an input function parameter without requiring the syntactic distinction in the caller and callee needed when using a pointer. The intent is to safely emulate passing by-value without the cost of copying. Provided the usage is immutable, this emulation can safely be done with a reference and so a const reference fits the bill here.

However, to make zero-copy, pass-by-value to work in practice, it must be possible to pass a temporary object. That works well with by-value parameters after all. To make this work, C++ allows a const reference to bind to a temporary. However, the rules for parameters and locals are the same in C++ and so this would create serious lifetime bugs. This is fixed in C++ by applying lifetime extension to the temporary. The result is that const references are quite different from other references, but they are also quite useful: they are the primary tool used to fill the immutable view use case of const.

One significant disadvantage of const references is that they are observably still references. When used in function parameters, they cannot be implemented with in-register parameters, etc. This complicates the selection of readonly input parameter type for functions, as both using a const reference and a by-value parameter force a particular form of overhead. Similarly, range based for loops in C++ have to choose between a reference or value type when each would be preferable in different situations.

R-value references and forwarding references

Another special set of use cases for references are R-value and forwarding references. These are used to capture lifetime information in the type system in addition to binding a reference. By doing so, they can allow overload resolution to select C++’s move semantics when appropriate for operations.

The primary use case for move semantics in function boundaries was to model consuming input parameters. Because move semantics were being added to an existing language and ecosystem that had evolved exclusively using copies, modeling consumption by moving into a by-value parameter would have forced an eager and potentially expensive copy in many cases. Adding R-value reference parameters and overloading on them allowed code to gracefully degrade in the absence of move semantics – their internal implementation could minimally copy anything non-movable. These overloads also helped reduce the total number of moves by avoiding moving first into the parameter and then out of the parameter. This kind of micro-optimization of moves was seen as important because some interesting data structures, especially in the face of exception safety guarantees, either implemented moves as copies or in ways that required non-trivial work like memory allocation.

Using R-value references and overloading also provided a minor benefit to C++: the lowest-level mechanics of move semantics such as move construction and assignment easily fit into the function overloading model that already existed for these special member functions.

These special member functions are just a special case of a more general pattern enabled by R-value references: designing interfaces that use lifetime overloading to detect whether a move would be possible and change implementation strategy based on how they are called. Both the move constructor and the move-assignment operator in C++ work on this principle. However, other use cases for this design pattern are so far rare. For example, Google’s C++ style forbids R-value references outside of an enumerated set of use cases, which has been extended incrementally based on demonstrated need, and has now been stable for some time. While overloading on lifetime is one of the allowed use cases, that exemption was added almost four years after the initial exemption of move constructors and move assignment operators.

Mutable operands to user-defined operators

C++ user-defined operators have their operands directly passed as parameters. When these operators require mutable operands, references are used to avoid the syntactic overhead and potential semantic confusion of taking their address explicitly. This use case stems from the combined design decisions of having operators that mutate their operands in-place and requiring the operand expression to be directly passed as a normal function parameter.

User-defined dereference and indexed access syntax

C++ also allows user-defined operators that model dereference (or indirecting in the C++ standard) and indexed access (* and []). Because these operators specifically model forming an L-value and because the return of the operator definition is directly used as the expression, it is necessary to return a reference to the already-dereferenced object. Returning a pointer would break genericity with builtin pointers and arrays in addition to adding a very significant syntactic overhead.

Member and subobject accessors

Another common use of references is in returns from member functions to provide access to a member or subobject, whether const or mutable. This particular use case is worth calling out specially as it has an interesting property: this is often not a fully indirect access. Instead, it is often simply selecting a particular member, field, or other subobject of the data structure. As a consequence, making subsequent access transparent seems especially desirable.

However, it is worth noting that this particular use case is also an especially common source of lifetime bugs. A classic and pervasive example can be seen when calling such a method on a temporary object. The returned reference is almost immediately invalid.

Non-null pointers

A common reason for using mutable references outside of what has already been described is to represent non-null pointers with enforcement in the type system. Because the canonical pointer types in C++ are allowed to be null, systems that forbid a null in the type system use references to induce any null checks to be as early as possible. This causes a “shift left” of handling null pointers, both moving the error closer to its cause logically and increasing the chance of moving earlier in the development process by making it a static property enforced at compile time.

References are imperfectly suited to modeling non-null pointers because they are missing many of the fundamental properties of pointers such as being able to rebind them, being able to take their address, etc. Also, references cannot be safely made const in the same places that pointers can because that might unintentionally change their semantics by allowing temporaries or extending lifetimes.

Syntax-free dereference

Beyond serving as a non-null pointer, the other broad use case for references is to remove the syntactic overhead of taking an address and dereferencing pointers. In other words, they provide a way to have syntax-free dereferences. Outside of function parameters, removing this distinction may provide a genericity benefit, as it allows using the same syntax as would be used with non-references. In theory code could simply use pointers everywhere, but this would add syntactic overhead compared to local variables and references. For immutable accesses, the syntactic overhead seems unnecessary and unhelpful. However, having distinct syntax for mutable iteration, container access, and so on often makes code more readable.

There are several cases that have come up in the design of common data structures where the use of distinct syntaxes immutable and mutable operations provides clear benefit: copy-on-write containers where the costs are dramatically different, and associative containers which need to distinguish between looking up an element and inserting an element. This tension should be reflected in how we design indexed access syntax.

Using mutable references for parameters to reduce syntactic overhead also doesn’t seem particularly compelling. For passing parameters, the caller syntax seems to provide significant benefit to readability. When using non-local objects in expressions, the fact that there is a genuine indirection into memory seems to also have high value to readability. These syntactic differences do make inline code and outlined code look different, but that reflects a behavior difference in this case.