Establish toolchain and language versioning

Pull request

Table of contents


Proposal for how Carbon version numbers work:

  • A single version across language, standard library, compiler, linker, etc.
  • Semantic Versioning (SemVer) based
  • Details of how SemVer criteria for major, minor, and patch should apply to Carbon
  • Details of how we will operate before 1.0 and how this connects to Carbon’s milestones
  • Directional guidance for future work including post-1.0 versions, LTS versions, and standardization


We need a versioning scheme for Carbon both for the language and the reference toolchain implementing that language. This is important even before we reach any specific milestone, as we want to define the schema and implement it before it becomes useful for marking specific milestones.



First, Carbon should have a single versioning scheme across both the language itself and toolchain, including the standard library, compiler, linker, and all development tools released by the main Carbon project.

Second, the Carbon versioning scheme should conform to and be closely based on Semantic Versioning (SemVer), which is the de-facto standard for versioning schemes in software today. Beyond that, it needs to clarify how the standards laid out in SemVer map into a programming language context as programming languages and standard libraries have an extraordinarily broad and tightly coupled “API” to their users – all of the source code written in the language. Carbon needs to provide extra clarity around what constitutes our “public API” for SemVer purposes and the criteria for changes.

Third, SemVer provides a schema for pre-release versions, but is largely open-ended on their semantics. Carbon should have a specific set of well defined pre-release versions with clearly communicated purpose, nature, and meaning to avoid confusion.

Fourth, language versioning is an especially important area for the long-term evolution and so Carbon should have some directional guidance around the future work expected in the versioning front. This should speak to specific use cases and needs that may be left seemingly unaddressed otherwise.

Summarizing the proposed outcome of these together:

  • Carbon versions: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH
  • MAJOR increments on backwards incompatible changes, including a deprecation that might trigger a build-breaking warning.
    • Doesn’t make it free to make such changes. Each change must pay for its adoption and churn cost. But when a change is needed and well justified, this signifies its introduction.
    • Used to establish our milestones for the language.
    • Some explicit carve-outs of things designated to not be in the “public API” of the language.
  • MINOR increments only expected during early development with a major version of 0.
    • If Carbon some day stabilizes sufficiently to motivate it, we may revisit this and begin to use the minor version number to signal backwards compatible releases.
  • PATCH increments represent bug fixes only.
    • Goal is always fully backwards compatible.
    • When fixing the bug makes code written against the release with the bug break, may be unavoidable as the intent was never the buggy behavior. But this is rare and we hold a very high bar for such bug fixes due to their disruptive nature.
  • Pre-release suffixes:
    • MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH-rc.N: The N-th potentially viable candidate for a release.
    • MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH-0.nightly.YYYY.MM.DD: A nightly incremental development build on a particular day during development of that version.
    • An interactive, incremental development build on a particular day by some developer during development of that version.


See the added versioning document.

Directional sketch for the future

The mechanics outlined above provide a good basis for the initial versions of the language (up to 1.0) and any necessary mechanics and tooling around those versions. However, beyond 1.0 we expect the needs of the language and project to expand and more detailed versioning and evolution tools to become critical. We lay out directional sketches here for where Carbon should go in the future to address these needs, but these are just directional guidance and will need their own carefully considered proposals when the time comes.

Language evolution and breaking changes

We don’t expect a simple version number to be sufficient long-term for the evolution needs of the Carbon language. We should plan to at least map these major versions into Rust-edition-like controls within source code itself to allow incremental adoption across a codebase of fixes for breaking changes or adoption of new language features with a single toolchain version. That is, some code will want to compile using previous major version semantics even with the new compiler.

The approach taken in Rust and proposed for C++ to address this are “editions” that source code opts into in order to allow the compiler to support a mixture of code in a codebase during incremental adoption. Carbon will need at least something equivalent to this, and may want to explore a more fine-grained system of opting into specific functionality sets similar to how pragma-based extension usage or Circle works.

Regardless of the specifics, a key is that breaking changes are not forcibly coupled in their roll-out to updates to the Carbon toolchain. Each step needs to be incrementally tackled.

Long-Term Stable (LTS) versions and standardization

SemVer alone isn’t sufficient to address some user needs for language stability. It is enough to detect the issues when they arise, but Carbon should also plan for how to address these issues.

The suggested direction here is towards designated LTS versions based on a particular level of completeness and quality and the user demand. These versions will likely need even longer time horizons of support than Linux distro LTS releases. The direction should be to embrace this and the potential for multi-decade support windows to support users’ needs. As the windows of LTSes expand, their frequency should reduce to avoid supporting an unsustainable diversity of versions.

Exactly how a version is designated as LTS is left to the future work here, but it should not be expected to change the schema and structure of the versioning, just the support policy applied to the specific release version in question.

Some users may even require standardization of a programming language to make it usable in their environment. Carbon should again embrace this need and see the standardization as an analogous process to promoting a normal release into an LTS. Some relevant and effective LTS should be selected and taken through whatever process is identified to create a standard reflecting that LTS version of Carbon. Updates to the standard should in turn track as updates to a newer LTS. The specifics of how to do this are left to the future work, and they may change exactly how this works.

Note that the goal of this future direction isn’t to constrain how Carbon can arrive effectively at either an LTS release or a standard. Instead, the goal is to make it clear that we should be open and planning to achieve these in order to meet the needs of candidate Carbon users.


  • Language tools and ecosystem
    • Carbon needs a coherent versioning scheme across the language itself as well as its ecosystem. Especially as the language is developing rapidly, being able to sync across all of these with a single, simple versioning scheme is especially important to have the tooling and ecosystem agree about features of the language.
  • Software and language evolution
    • Users of Carbon need a clear model for understanding the language’s evolution, tracking it, and responding to significant aspects of it.
    • The versioning scheme needs to support a wide variety of versions built in the process of evolving the language without creating confusion.

Alternatives considered

Do nothing, or just talk about a minimal nightly version.


  • Carbon is at a very early stage and is a long way from needing release candidates for stable releases or incrementing its major version numbers.
  • No need to imagine distant future scenarios.


  • We already discuss version numbers in various places in the Carbon project, including our milestones and roadmap.
  • Establishing how the Carbon project will communicate its updates with version number changes in advance of those updates makes that communication more effective.
  • Lets us telegraph our intentions and how we are thinking about releasing and cadence to the community and get earlier feedback.

A key to adopting the more detailed versioning plan is that we can change any and all of this if and when we need to. This does not lock Carbon into using this exact versioning scheme. We will listen to any feedback from potential users and can adapt our approach if needed.

Make no breaking changes past 1.0.


  • Stable languages have the lowest churn costs for users, and are easier to learn at scale.


  • This would be in direct opposition to our language goal of supporting software and language evolution.
    • This relieves pressure on adding things to the language by avoiding an unreasonably high bar. The pressure is still large due to the very real churn costs, but we avoid amplifying that further with an absolute restriction on fixing issues.
    • We expect Carbon to be a reasonably complex language in order to succeed at its goals, ranging from C++ interop to incremental memory safety. This complexity inherently comes with an increased risk and importance of being able to improve and fix issues.

Version different parts of the language separately.


  • There will be eventually be many differences between changes to the toolchain and changes to the language itself. We might be able to capitalize on those to have a better cadence or versioning scheme for these independently.


  • We would have to carefully define and maintain a compatibility matrix between the different components. Increasingly in modern languages and development, the compiler, language, standard library, and tooling are all deeply interdependent.
  • Experience rolling out major updates to Clang and GCC in large codebases and software ecosystems show even compiler-only or toolchain-only changes easily become as disruptive as smaller updates to the C++ language itself have been over the years. As a consequence, while it is tempting to hope for a sharp difference here we don’t in practice anticipate one.

Use a custom versioning scheme rather than SemVer.


  • We don’t actually use all parts of SemVer, which results in awkward unused component of our version number.
  • SemVer doesn’t actually provide an opinionated versioning scheme, merely a relaxed schema that many versioning schemes can fit into.


  • Fitting into SemVer ends up needing only very cosmetic changes to a scheme that is meaningful for Carbon. And we can easily specify the open-ended parts of the scheme.
  • Allows us to easily fit into scripts and people’s understanding using SemVer as a baseline model.
  • Avoids confusion when people from outside the community first encounter Carbon versions as their most likely intuition about the meaning of various aspects of the number will be a reasonable starting point.

Include more pre-release variations

Initially there was a discussion of potentially defining alpha and beta pre-release versions along with release candidate versions, nightly, and development versions. The specific idea was to document versioning we could use for longer-lived releases we want to make when not yet ready to call it a release candidate.


  • If we end up wanting longer-lived releases prior to arriving at a numbered milestone such as 0.1, this would provide a ready-made solution.
  • Specifically, communicating the option for this early might help others avoid being confused by what exactly the state of such a pre-release would be.


  • There’s no real indication we would ever want to make such a release. It seems easy to imagine the combination of nightly builds and pre-releases completely covering all of the use cases we end up with in practice.
  • Keeping the infrastructure and documentation for such improbable use cases is drag and friction that doesn’t buy us enough to be worthwhile.