
Table of contents


These are groups used by the Carbon Language project, listed here for central tracking. Membership will typically be managed by a team owner or admin; see each group’s summary for information on how to join.

Note that some links are admin or member restricted. We’re providing public links where possible.

Linked entities

Groups are defined by their linked entities in Carbon’s various forums:

Carbon leads

See governance structure for team information.

  • GitHub teams: Leads
  • Discord roles: lead
  • Google groups: None

Conduct team

See Conduct team for information.


See moderators for information.

  • GitHub teams: Moderators
  • Discord roles: moderator, senior-moderator
  • Google groups: moderators: Used for Google Drive ACLs.


Maintains infrastructure. Membership changes are handled on an as-needed basis by leads.

Note that while various groups exist, the way admins are actually configured goes a little beyond this.

  • Github teams: Admins
  • Discord roles: admin
  • Google groups: admins: Used for security settings.

Implementation team

This team is responsible for development of Carbon’s primary, reference implementation and toolchain. It also oversees other related implementation work within the Carbon project, from tooling of the language spec to test suites. There may be some overlap with admins – any issue can be resolved by escalating to the Carbon leads. Notably, this team is not responsible for the design of the language itself, only for its implementation.

  • GitHub teams: None
  • Discord role: implementation-team
  • Google groups: None


Receives GitHub security reports. Membership changes are handled on an as-needed basis by leads.

  • GitHub teams: Security
  • Discord roles: None
  • Google groups: None

Access groups

These groups are defined by the access they grant. They are not directly tied to any of the above community groups.

GitHub commit access

Developers who can merge and approve changes on GitHub. See commit access for information.

  • GitHub teams: Commit access
  • Discord roles: None
  • Google groups: None

GitHub label and review access

Developers who can label and assign PRs and issues on GitHub, particularly proposals. See for more information.

Google Drive access

For Google Drive and the contained documents, we have separate groups for commenting and contributing (modify and create). See for more information.

  • GitHub teams: None
  • Discord roles: None
  • Google groups: commenters and contributors: Used for Google Drive ACLs.