Raw identifier syntax

Pull request

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We want to support legacy identifiers that overlap with new keywords (for example, base). This is being called “raw identifier syntax” using r#<identifier>, and is based on Rust.

Note this proposal is derived from Proposal #17: Lexical conventions.


One of Carbon’s most important goals is to support program and language evolution. We know that the set of keywords in Carbon will grow over time, and the easiest kind of language change from an evolutionary perspective is one that is known to break no programs, that lets programs migrate incrementally to the new language rule, and that either has no migration cost or only imposes automatable migration cost on the code that intends to use the new feature.


Prior discussion

We have proposals that discussed using r# but did not make a decision in favor of it:

Other languages

Rust provides this as “Raw identifiers”, using r# as a prefix (r#self). The documented syntax is:

RAW_IDENTIFIER : r# IDENTIFIER_OR_KEYWORD Except crate, self, super, Self

C# provides this as “vebatim identifiers”, using @ as a prefix (@self). The documented syntax is:

fragment Escaped_Identifier
    // Includes keywords and contextual keywords prefixed by '@'.
    // See note below.
    : '@' Basic_Identifier

Swift provides this as part of the identifier grammar, using backticks (`self`). The documented syntax is:

identifier → `identifier-head identifier-characters?`


A raw identifier can be specified by prefixing a word with r#, such as r#requires. Raw identifiers can be used to introduce and use names that are lexically identical to keywords. The declaration of a raw identifier does not prevent the base word from being interpreted as a keyword; otherwise, they behave identically to the word formed by removing the r# prefix.


In diagnostics, if there is a keyword r#<identifier>, then raw identifiers should be expected to print with the r# prefix. Otherwise, they will typically use the non-prefixed identifier name for consistency.


Alternatives considered

Other raw identifier syntaxes

For considering other syntaxes, a couple initial considerations for r#identifier prefixing is:

  • We use # prefixes for string literals, and it’s likely we’ll support syntax similar to f#"..." for interpolated string literals. The r# syntax offers consistency with this, and will hopefully be recognizable to users.
  • Consistency with Rust.
    • Rust uses r#"..." for raw string literals, whereas Carbon uses #"...".
  • Introduces another code execution path in lexing identifiers. This likely causes a slowdown; PR #3044 indicates roughly 2%, although that was run on a system with noisy benchmarks – details would require a better system for benchmark. Note 2% could represent that r is 1-in-55 identifiers with a 100% slowdown with linear cost scaling for other similar code, or it could indicate that the additional code path causes incremental slowdown but if other code (such as f#"...") used the same codepath it may instead have constant cost scaling (negligible incremental cost). This may also be either reduced or become more significant if we enable tail calls and other optimizations. As a consequence, the precise overhead is difficult to quantify at this time.

Various other prefixes have been discussed, mostly using a special character prefix in order to restrict the lexing impact. In particular:

  • \ prefix, as in \identifier.
    • Similar to \ escaping in strings.
    • More intuitive “escaping” semantic for some developers versus r#.
    • Creates a different meaning for \n as an identifier versus \n as a character escape.
  • # prefix without r, as in #identifier.
    • Would be more consistent with string literals, and avoid the lexing overhead.
    • We are considering using a # prefix for metaprogramming, so the r offers a way to keep the # prefix available for other purposes.
    • #if may look to C++ developers like a compiler directive, rather than a raw identifier for if.
  • @ prefix, as in @identifier.
    • Consistent with C#.
    • We’ve also discussed using a @ prefix for attributes, similar to Python. Similar to #, this would be conflicting.
  • ` wrapping, as in `identifier`.
    • Consistent with Swift.
    • We prefer not to use backticks for Carbon syntax so that it is easy to write in Markdown, which uses backticks for inline code. For example, to render a backtick there are a couple options:
      • Use more backticks: `` ` ``
      • Use inline HTML: <code>\`</code>
  • Other currently unused characters as prefix, such as ~identifier, $identifier, or %identifier.
    • We expect raw identifiers to be relatively rare. There may be future uses for these characters that allow us to serve a broader use-case.
    • While we could change raw string literal syntax to use the same character, it would be helpful if raw string literal syntax had some degree of cross-language syntactic consistency in order to reduce learning curves.

Raw identifier syntax is expected to be an edge case of the language. As a consequence, it should probably be expected that developers reading it will be more likely to rely on their understanding of the syntax either from other parts of Carbon, or from other languages. This means it’s helpful if the syntax can be understood on its own, but if it’s confusable with C++ syntax, the relative rarity could exacerbate understandability issues.

If performance of the r# prefix is prohibitive, that would be a justification for changing approaches.

Restrict raw identifier syntax to current and future keywords

We had discussed maintaining a list of current and future keywords, and only allowing raw identifier syntax in those cases. If this were done as part of the toolchain, releases would need to push versions that “declare” future keywords without turning them into actual keywords. For a library that used those identifiers, it would initially be compatible with compiler versions up to and including the “future” keyword version; upon using raw identifier syntax, that would become the minimum compiler version. This creates a compiler versioning dependency that it might be helpful to avoid.

As an alternative approach, Carbon could provide a command line option which libraries could use to specify future keywords that are used in the program. While some systems such as bazel allow libraries to indicate options they need for compilation, other build systems such as cmake might require library users to update their dependencies as well. The consequence would be that library users might need to more carefully monitor options when updating compilers.

Don’t require syntax for references to raw identifiers

We could say that, in a scope where a raw identifier has been declared, the token without r# now refers to the identifier instead of the keyword. If the user actually needs the keyword within that scope, they could instead use k# or something similar.

A particular example of this can be seen with the base keyword:

class C {
    // `base` now means this name in the scope of `C`.
    var r#base: i32;
    // To extend, `k#base` is now required.
    extend k#base: T;

fn MakeC() -> C {
  // The struct literal's `base` is outside the scope of `C`, so must use
  // `r#base`.
  var c: C = {.r#base = 0, .base = { ... }};
  // A member reference could use the identifier-default for `base` in `C`.
  c.base = 1;
  c.k#base = {...};
  return c;

The equivalent under proposed syntax (uniformly using r#base) is:

class C {
    var r#base: i32;
    extend base: T;

fn MakeC() -> C {
  var c: C = {.r#base = 0, .base = { ... }};
  c.r#base = 1;
  c.base = {...};
  return c;

At present we are deciding this is unnecessary complexity, and it’s better to require r# in all references to the identifier.

Don’t provide raw identifier syntax

We could omit raw identifier syntax. It introduces a novel risk of underhanded code that appears to mean one thing but means a different thing, by shadowing a keyword with an identifier. This risk is discussed in Initial Analysis of Underhanded Source Code (Wheeler 2020) (page 4-2).

This concern is considered non-blocking.