SemIR fidelity when representing rewrite semantics

Pull request

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The toolchain’s [Semantic IR][semir] should start off modeling the full, complex, and rich library-based and generic extension point semantics of Carbon without eliding any layers or rewrites for compile time efficiency. We shouldn’t front-load elision or optimization when implementing the designs.

Once we have a full-fidelity implementation, we should work to build an efficient elision, short-circuit, or common case simplification into the design itself sufficient to make the SemIR model efficient. Only if we cannot find a reasonable approach for that should we diverge the SemIR model to optimize its efficiency, and we should preserve full fidelity in an optional mode.



Carbon’s design heavily leverages types and APIs defined in the Core package and implicitly imported with the prelude. It also defines rich extension points and generic semantic models for the language, typically through rewrites from the user-facing syntax into more complex syntax that operates through interfaces and impls that provide the generic model and customization points.

Modeling this at full fidelity in the toolchain’s [Semantic IR][semir] is expected to create an unreasonably expensive representation for common and pervasive patterns in code. On the other hand, every divergence between the SemIR model and the design adds both risk and cost. When we can keep the two in sync, we get the best engineering tradeoffs, provided it is reasonably efficient.


Several proposals have started to surface these kinds of challenge, but to a lesser degree. Some examples:

The most significant step that motivates capturing an explicit strategy here is proposal #3720 - Binding operators.


Initially, the toolchain should have SemIR model the full semantics of Carbon, with all rewrites, expressive hooks, and library references. This will serve two purposes as we build out the toolchain’s support for all of Carbon’s features.

Work to incorporate needed simplifications directly into the design

First, this will allow us to study the resulting SemIR, and understand exactly how and where the efficiency explodes for expected coding patterns. We should use this to try to adjust the design to build in targeted common-case simplifications and elisions that make precise modeling of the design sufficiently cheap in practice.

We see this pattern emerging in good ways already today in the toolchain with implicit conversions: when calling functions, we need to allow for implicit conversions. But we don’t want to have an identity implicit conversion on all the arguments which already are the correct type. Rather than notionally “always” implicitly converting, we make the design itself specify that the implicit conversion only occurs when needed and can then have the desired minimal representation in SemIR.

Beyond simplifying the SemIR model, it also ends up addressing an important aspect of the semantics – we don’t want to create unnecessary temporaries to initialize rather than directly initializing. The toolchain in fact follows similar patterns to model expression categories for similar reasons – the minimal semantic model is also the desired design.

We can even incorporate other kinds of design changes to allow the full fidelity SemIR model to be efficient, such as assuring that we can build and reuse a cached representation repeatedly and cheaply rather than requiring it to be rebuilt on each instance of a specific pattern.

Keep a full fidelity mode for any other optimizations

We may still ultimately end up unable to achieve the desired SemIR efficiency even after making all the simplifications we can to the design itself. If and when we reach this point, we will still want to have the full fidelity implementation and be able to use it behind some option. We can use it to understand how the design works in complex cases and to debug unexpected behavior in the toolchain. This means starting with that implementation doesn’t result in sunk cost.

Example: overloaded operators

Note: this example isn’t trying to capture all the nuance of the current design or suggest any change to the design. It is merely trying to provide an illustration of how we might follow the proposal in practice.

As an example to help illustrate this, how should the toolchain model overloaded operators? This proposal suggests that initially, the implementation should aim to fully model the rewrite-based dispatch through interfaces in the prelude. That is, each use of x + y should turn into roughly equivalent SemIR as would be used to model the rewritten semantics of x.(package#Core.AddWith(typeof(y)).Op)(y). This in turn would dispatch to an exact-type implementation which would provide any implicit conversions, and so on. And importantly, this would occur even when we know that the types of x and y are exactly i32 and we could alternatively directly hard code the toolchain to use the desired builtin implementation.

To be precise, the expectation is that the SemIR for x + y should as a consequence model all of:

  • Looking up the package#Core.AddWith interface, using the imagined syntax package#<Name> for directly looking up a specific package name (as opposed to doing unqualified name lookup).
  • Passing the type of y as a parameter to the interface, which is illustrated with the imagined syntax typeof(<expression>) but would likely directly use the type rather than forming an actual typeof expression (see below).
  • Looking up the Op method.
  • Calling that Op method on x with y as its parameter just as we would model any call to object.(Interface.Method)(y).

Note: this isn’t a proposal for either the package#<Name> or typeof(<expression>) imagined syntaxes. If we want these syntaxes, that will be a separate proposal.

However, specific things that would still be reasonable without deviating from the full semantic modeling here:

  • Not representing a user-written typeof style expression to compute the type, or duplicating the y expression.
  • Caching and reusing SemIR for immutable things like successfully resolved name lookup. Concretely, reusing a single cached lookup of package#Core.AddWith would still provide the full model. And similarly, reusing an already computed parameterization such as package#Core.AddWith(i32) repeatedly, and the lookup of Op within that parameterization.

The reason is that these don’t change the semantics in any way – they are constructively the same results.

This should be the initial implementation goal, not a requirement for any incremental progress on implementation. Short-circuiting or other approximations used in incrementally building towards this goal should always be reasonable to consider based on the tradeoffs at hand. But they should be seen as temporary, incremental measures and where possible removed so we can evaluate the full semantic model when the implementation is complete.

Based on the practical costs that this kind of model incurs once we have it implemented, we should first look for ways to adjust the design itself to avoid forming the complex semantic expansion in enough cases to make the model scalable. And only when we’ve exhausted those options begin adding long-term shortcuts in the SemIR model for common cases with a option to disable them for testing and debugging.


  • Code that is easy to read, understand, and write
    • It’s easy when specifying the design of the language with rewrite semantics in a way that accidentally has a cycle – where the rewrite result is still a construct that should be rewritten. Without the proposed constraint, these accidental cycles are easily resolved in the implementation by exiting at a convenient place. However, this proposal will ensure that the rule for where the cycle is broken is actually surfaced into the design, making the design more robust and complete in describing the expected behavior.
  • Language tools and ecosystem
    • Preserving a full fidelity model of the language design in SemIR helps ensure we can build rich and powerful tools that reason about even complex or typically “hidden” parts of Carbon’s design. This has regularly proven critical in the design of effective tooling for C++ and other languages.
  • Fast and scalable development
    • We can’t afford for full fidelity representation of Carbon’s design to make the practical use of the toolchain have poor compile times and slow down the development experience with Carbon. We need to have a strategy for addressing the expected overhead of the level of customization and layered design that we’re building into Carbon.

Alternatives considered

Strictly adhere to a full-fidelity model

We could simply insist on never deviating from the full-fidelity model. However, this would force us to compromise at least one of our top-level goals for Carbon: either we would have to regress the speed and scalability of development, or lose some of the simplicity and cohesive design.

Both of those seem worse outcomes than having some limited divergence between SemIR and the design, and there exist reasonable mitigations such as a option to switch between modes.

Directly implement the optimized model

We could directly jump to an optimized model that we expect to match the common case behavior, and add opt-in complexity when needed for non-common-cases. However, this would both remove a useful tool in driving simplification of the design itself that can result in a overall superior tradeoff. It would also create risk of divergence, and the need to eventually implement mode to disable the optimization.

In some cases, we would end up discovering a need to simplify the design for semantic reasons, and the divergence would have resulted in wasted effort in the toolchain.

Starting with the full fidelity model seems to more reliably converge the design early and result in a minimal set of effective optimizations.