
Table of contents


The toolchain implementation uses some implementation techniques that may not be commonly found in typical C++ code.

C++ dialect

The toolchain implementation does not use some C++ features, following Google’s C++ style guide:

Abbreviations used in the code (AKA Carbon abbreviation decoder ring)

Note that abbreviations are typically only used in code, not comments (except when referring to an entity from the code).

  • Addr: “address”
  • Arg: “argument”
  • Decl: “declaration”
  • Expr: “expression”
    • SubExpr: “subexpression”
  • Float: “floating point”
  • Init: “initialization”
  • Inst: “instruction”
  • Int: “integer”
  • Loc: “location”
  • Param: “parameter”
  • Paren: “parenthesis”
  • Ref: “reference”
    • Deref: “dereference”
  • Subst: “substitute”

Phrase abbreviations (where we have an abbreviation for a phrase, where we wouldn’t perform all of the abbreviations of those words individually):

  • InitRepr: “initializing representation”
  • ObjectRepr: “object representation”
  • SemIR: “semantics intermediate representation”
  • ValueRepr: “value representation”

.def files

The Carbon toolchain uses a technique related to X-macros to generate code that operates over a collection of types, enumerators, or another similar list of names. This works as follows:

  • A .def file is provided, that is intended to be repeatedly included by way of #include.
  • The user of the .def defines a macro, with a name and a form specified by the .def file, for example #define CARBON_EACH_WIDGET(Name) Scope::Name,.
  • A #include of the .def file expands to CARBON_EACH_WIDGET(Name1), CARBON_EACH_WIDGET(Name2), … for each widget name, and then #undefs the CARBON_EACH_WIDGET macro.

For example:

enum Widgets {
#define CARBON_EACH_WIDGET(Name) Name,
#include "widgets.def"

… would expand to an enumeration definition with one enumerator per widget name.

EnumBase types

Most .def files will have a corresponding EnumBase child class (if widgets.def has X-macros, widgets.h and widgets.cpp has the EnumBase child class). These work similarly to an enum class, with the addition of a name() function and << stream operator support. Many also have further utility functions for information related to the enum value.

In code, these types and values can be used directly in a switch. They will convert to an internal actual enum class for the switch, and receive corresponding compiler safety checks that all enum values are handled.

Index types

Carbon makes frequent use of IndexBase and IdBase. The IndexBase and IdBase types are small wrappers around int32_t to provide a measure of type-checking when passing around indices to vector-like storage types. The only difference is that IndexBase supports all comparison operators, whereas IdBase only supports equality comparison.

Variable naming will often have _id at the end to indicate that it corresponds to an IdBase. This may include the full type, as in operand_inst_id being an InstId for an operand.

A block is an array of ids. These will be indicated with either a _block suffix or pluralization (for example, param_refs pluralizing refs).

The ref concept in a name means that there is an underlying instruction block, but only a subset of instructions are present in the refs block. For example, function parameters have a sequence, and also have a refs block with one entry per parameter. The refs block allows parameters to be counted and accessed directly, rather than through vector iteration.


Many of Carbon’s data types are stored in a ValueStore or related type with similar semantics (sem_ir has several such classes). ValueStore links an indexing type to a value type with vector-like storage. The indices typically use IdBase.

ValueStores APIs follow the shape of simple array access and mutation:

  • Add which takes a value and returns the index.
  • Get takes an index and returns a reference to the value (possibly a constant reference).
  • Other vector-like functionality, including size or Reserve

ValueStores should be named after the type they contain. The index type used on the value store should have a using ValueType... which indicates the stored type. When taking a return of one of these functions, it’s common to use auto and rely on the name of the storage type to imply the returned type.

Some name mirroring examples are:

  • ints is a ValueStore<IntId>, which has an index type of IntId and a value type of llvm::APInt.

  • functions is a ValueStore<SemIR::FunctionId>, which has an index type of SemIR::FunctionId and a value type of SemIR:: Function.

  • strings is a ValueStore<StringId>, which has an index type of StringId, but for copy-related reasons, uses llvm::StringRef for values.

There are also a number of wrappers around ValueStore that provide some additional functionality and which are named with the Store suffix, such as InstStore or CanonicalValueStore.

A fairly complete list of ValueStore (and ValueStore wrapper) uses should be available on [checking’s Context class].

[checking’s Context class]:

Template metaprogramming

TODO: show example patterns

  • InstLikeTypeInfo from toolchain/sem_ir/inst.h
  • templated using
  • std::declval
  • decltype
  • static_assert
  • if constexpr
  • template specialization, for example Inst::FromRaw<T> (maybe also type traits?)

Struct reflection

The toolchain uses a primitive form of struct reflection to operate generically over the fields in a typed SemIR instruction. This is implemented in common/struct_reflection.h, and the interface to the functionality is StructReflection::AsTuple(your_struct), which converts the given struct into a std::tuple containing the same fields in the same order.

Field detection

The presence of specific fields in a struct with a specified type is detected using the following idiom:

// HasField<T> is true if T has a `U field` field of type FieldType.
template <typename T> concept HasField = requires (T x) {
  { &T::field } -> std::same_as<FieldType T::*>;

See HasKindMemberAsField in toolchain/sem_ir/typed_insts.h for an example.

Local lambdas to reduce duplicate code

Sometimes code that would be repeated in a function is factored into a local variable containing a lambda:

auto common_code = [&](AType param1, AnotherType param2) {
  // code that would otherwise be repeated
if (something) {
if (something_else) {

Compared to defining a new function, this has the advantage of being able to be declared in context and access the local variables of the enclosing function.

Immediately invoked function expressions (IIFE)

Instead of creating a separate function with its own name that will be called once to produce the initial value for a variable, the function can be declared inline and then immediately called.

This can be used for complex initialization, as in:

// variable declaration
static const llvm::ArrayRef<std::byte> entropy_bytes =
    // initializer starts with a lambda
    []() -> llvm::ArrayRef<std::byte> {
      static llvm::SmallVector<std::byte> bytes;

      // a bunch of code

      // return the value to initialize the variable with
      return bytes;

      // finish defining the lambda, and then immediately invoke it

It can also be used inside a CARBON_DCHECK to avoid computation that is only needed in debug builds:

  // a bunch of code

  // condition that will be tested by CARBON_DCHECK
  return complicated && multiple_parts;

// finish defining the lambda, and then immediately invoke it
}(), "Complicated things went wrong");

See a description of this technique on wikipedia.

Declarations in conditions

The condition part of an if statement may contain a declaration with an initializer followed by a semicolon (;) and then the proper boolean condition expression, as in:

if (auto verify = tree.Verify(); !verify.ok()) {

The condition can be replaced by a declaration entirely, as in:

if (auto equals = context.ConsumeIf(Lex::TokenKind::Equal)) {
// Equivalent to:
if (auto equals = context.ConsumeIf(Lex::TokenKind::Equal); equals) {


if (auto literal = bound_inst.TryAs<SemIR::IntegerLiteral>()) {
// Equivalent to:
if (auto literal = bound_inst.TryAs<SemIR::IntegerLiteral>(); literal) {

This is a common way of handling a function that returns an optional value.


CRTP or “Curiously recurring template pattern”

Curiously Recurring Template Pattern -

Curiously recurring template pattern - Wikipedia

Google search


Multiple inheritance

We use multiple inheritance to support uses of CRTP.


struct NameScopeId : public IndexBase, public Printable<NameScopeId> {

Defining constants usable in constexpr contexts

To declare a constant usable at compile time in constexpr contexts as a static class member, we use this pattern:


class Foo {
  // ...
  static const std::array<ElementType, ElementCount> MyTable;
  static constexpr auto ComputeMyTable()
      -> std::array<ElementType, ElementCount> { ... }


constexpr std::array<ElementType, ElementCount>
    Foo::MyTable = Foo::ComputeMyTable();

Note the const on the declaration does not match the constexpr on definition, and that the definition is outside of the class body. This allows the initializer to depend on the definition of the class.

Further note that this only works with static members of classes, not static variables in functions.

Due to a Clang bug, this technique does not work in a class template. The following pattern can be used instead:

template <typename T>
class Foo {
  // ...
  template <typename Self = Foo>
  static constexpr auto MyValueImpl = Self();
  static constexpr const Foo& MyValue = MyValueImpl<>;
  // ...

The parameters of the variable template can be chosen to allow reuse of the same variable template for multiple static data members.

For example, see NodeStack::IdKindTable in check/node_stack.h.

A global constant may use a single definition without a separate declaration:

static constexpr std::array<bool, 256> IsIdStartByteTable = [] {
  std::array<bool, 256> table = {};
  // ...
  return table;

Note this example is using an immediately invoked function expression to compute the initial value, which is common.
